This book is a manual of some steps critical to understanding the finding of real happiness in marriage. The points made here are derived from Chabad Chassidus in general and the Lubavitcher Rebbe (who is referred to in this book simply as "the Rebbe") in particular.
It is beyond the scope of this work to deal with serious aberrations in positive behavior.
Serious problems such as domestic violence, spousal or child abuse and chronic destructive emotional incapacities remain beyond the ambit of this book and require specific rabbinical and professional advice.
The book assumes two people in search of a mutually beneficial and satisfying life. With effort, from any time in a marriage people can rearrange perspectives and behavior to remove obstacles to their fulfillment, while at the same time creating new horizons for mutual growth.
The format of the various steps to this happiness will unfold as we learn together. Of course, each person will have his or her individual differences. The principles however, though deep and sometimes difficult to internalize, are uniform for everyone. The journey although arduous, is available to all but remains sadly discovered by few.