One of the many Secrets of Torah explained by the Alter Rebbe, author of the Tanya, is that we live each week with the Torah.
The Torah being the Wisdom of G-d, is eternal. Although at a simple level this means that the laws of the Torah are not subject to change, there is, however, a much deeper level to this concept. The wondrous fact is that the Torah applies forever to each generation in general and to every Jew in each generation in particular.[2] The Torah is divided into weekly portions (Sedras) containing stories, laws and teachings. The secret then is this; each of these matters in each of these portions apply to each of our weeks during each of our lives.
When a notion is mentioned in a particular Sedra the receivable light of the notion glows more brightly in that week.[3] This allows a Jew the opportunity to tune into and apply to himself these concepts during that week. This secret of Torah is amplified by understanding that there is no story or teaching in Torah which is not relevant to every Jew in every generation2 and that the story or teaching is most particularly applicable to him in the week in which it unfolds.
As we travel together we will see how the laws or stories from each Sedra are relevant to the spiritual psyche of each Jew. Once the reader has learned to spotlight his week, he will be able to follow the light to an island of order in the chaos of modern life.

- (Back to text) See HaYom Yom, entry 2 Cheshvan.
- (Back to text) Torah Miloshon Horaah see for example Likkutei Sichos, Vol. XI, p. 346.
- (Back to text) See for example Sefer Hisvaadvios 5743, Vol. I, pg. 418.