Our Rabbis taught, "Open with blessing." This is especially true in the month of Adar, a month which has a "healthy mazal (source of influence)" that generates blessing for every Jew and the entire Jewish people as a whole. May this positive influence be expressed in the matter which is of utmost present concern, the advent of the true and ultimate Redemption in the immediate future.
There is a connection between the above and this week's Torah reading Parshas Terumah. The content of the parshah reflects a connection with the Redemption as evident from the verse, "And you shall make Me a Sanctuary and I will dwell within," [for the ultimate revelation of the Divine Presence in the world will be in the Era of the Redemption].
Similarly, the opening verses of the parshah are representative of the Era of the Redemption as reflected in the fact that the first of the items G-d asked the Jews to donate for the Sanctuary was gold. On the surface, this is problematic. Seemingly, the requests should have been made in ascending order, beginning with simple items, the brass which everyone could have given and concluding with those which are most precious, the gold. Nevertheless, the verse does not follow this order and begins with gold.
This reflects blessings of wealth for the Jewish people; that in a simple literal sense, every Jew should enjoy blessings of wealth to the extent that it is natural that the first thing asked of him is gold. Since every Jew is an only son of G-d Himself as it were, he should possess gold and precious gems that can be used for the garments of the High Priest.
"The Torah is eternally relevant" and, therefore, the Alter Rebbe taught his chassidim to "live with the times," to adapt their lives to the directives of the weekly Torah portion.[334] The directive which this portion teaches is relevant to all Jews in every age.
A Jew must do what is dependent on him to attain material wealth, for this will allow him to donate generously to tzedakah and to observe all the mitzvos behiddur, in a careful and beautiful manner. In this, there is an ascending order: brass, silver, and gold. Each and every Jew must realize that he should have gold, the ultimate in wealth, so that he will be able to perform the mitzvos in the most beautiful manner possible.
Herein, there is also a connection to the Redemption, for in that era, we will fulfill the commandment, "And you shall make Me a Sanctuary and I will dwell within," in a literal manner. There are interpretations of this verse which refer to our spiritual service. They are true and relevant, but first and foremost, the commandment must be fulfilled in a literal sense, through the construction of the Beis HaMikdash.
And this is relevant at the present time, for we are at the pinnacle of Jewish history, the time most appropriate for the coming of the Redemption and the fulfillment of the prophecies related in connection with it, including the prophecy, "And they shall beat their swords into plowshares." Furthermore, at present, these concepts can be comprehended by gentiles[335] and are even being put into practice by the gentile nations as mentioned on previous occasions in regard to the summit on disarmament held last week.
And the above will be enhanced by the positive influence of the month of Adar which is mentioned above has a healthy mazal. This is particularly true in light of the fact that Rosh Chodesh fell on Tuesday, a day associated with the repetition of the phrase, "And G-d saw that it was good." This refers to a twofold good, "good to the heavens" and "good to the created beings."
The positive nature of the month is also reflected by the fact that the second day of Rosh Chodesh fell on Wednesday, the day the luminaries were suspended in the heavens. On that day, "the two great luminaries" were created, i.e., it was not until afterwards that the moon underwent a process of diminution. This process was not a punishment, but a "descent for the sake of an ascent" so that the moon can reach its ultimate fulfillment in the Era of the Redemption, when its light will become "seven times as powerful as the light of the sun."
Similarly, the positive influences will be enhanced by the fact that this is a leap year and thus there are sixty days within the month of Adar as mentioned on the previous days.[336] And from Adar, we will proceed to Nissan, "the month when the Jews were redeemed and the month in which they will be redeemed in the future."
The intent of that quote is not that we must wait until Nissan to be redeemed, but that the Redemption should come immediately, and thus in Nissan, we will "be redeemed."[337] May we see the positive influence of Adar's healthy mazal, that every Jew be gezunt un shtark, strong and healthy, and that in the immediate future we merit the coming of Mashiach. And then we will proceed together with him and with the entire Jewish people to our Holy Land, to Jerusalem, and to the Beis HaMikdash, "the Sanctuary of G-d established by Your hands."

- (Back to text) Although we have not read the entire Torah portion, we have already read the first section of this portion several times, beginning from the afternoon service of the previous Shabbos. The portion which we read at those times contains the directive to donate "gold, silver, and brass," and the command, "And you shall make Me a Sanctuary."
- (Back to text) This relates to the Torah reading of the previous week, Parshas Mishpatim, which is associated with those aspects of Torah that can be comprehended by human intellect. Accordingly, there is a necessity to emphasize that cases governed by these laws must be judged before a Jewish court, and not before gentiles. "Even when one knows that in a particular instance the secular law will parallel Jewish law, one may not judge the case before their authorities." The rationale for this rule is so that we will not cause the gentiles to give honor to their false deities.
To relate this concept to the points mentioned above: At present, the imminence of Mashiach's coming is a matter which can be understood by gentiles as well.
- (Back to text) See above the sichos of Rosh Chodesh Adar.
- (Back to text) The Previous Rebbe gave a similar interpretation to the expression, "Next year in Jerusalem," recited at the conclusion of the Pesach Haggadah. The intent is not that we will have to wait for the following Pesach for the Redemption, but rather that the Redemption should come immediately. Then, as a matter of course, next year's seder will be held in Jerusalem.