(The children recited the 12 pesukim.)
Children who have been raised and educated in a Jewish manner should serve as an example for those children who, for reasons not at all dependent on them, have not received a proper Jewish education. This includes children who are living in far removed corners of the world. Surely, they are not responsible for their not having received a Jewish education. It is very important to do what is necessary to show these children a living example of what Jewish education can produce. Ultimately, this message will spread among all children, even those living in far removed places.
Since this rally is being held on a weekday, pictures can be taken and thus other children can actually see the vitality and energy with which these children recited the pesukim, how they put their entire body and soul into this experience. This indicates how their connection to the Torah is complete and vibrant.
And this hastens the potential that, in the very near future, the children will merit the redemption; that Mashiach will come and bring all of us, both children and adults, together with all the Jews throughout the entire world to Eretz Yisrael, to Jerusalem, and to the Beis HaMikdash.
This event will thus serve as an eternal remembrance for each one of us, allowing us to recall that there was once a Beis HaMikdash and that it served as a preparation for the ultimate Beis HaMikdash, "the Sanctuary of G-d established by Your hands."
Together with this, each one of us will also ascend, being lifted up on the clouds of heavens and will meet together with all the Jewish children and all their parents in the one land, Eretz Yisrael, and in Jerusalem, the one and only capital of that land, and in the one Beis HaMikdash,[150] wherein the tablets of the Ten Commandments are kept.
And we will celebrate together with these tablets, as we celebrate with Torah scrolls on Simchas Torah at present. And we will dance, adults and children together, in a great and all-encompassing celebration. This shares a connection to the present day, the fourth day of the week of Parshas Vaeschanan, for the Torah reading associated with the present day describes the giving of the Ten Commandments.
In this context, there is a unique connection to Jewish children, for it is in their merit that G-d gave the Torah to the entire Jewish people. Our Sages relate that before G-d gave the Torah, He sought guarantors and rejected several guarantors who were offered. It was not until the Jews promised that, "Our children will be our guarantors," that He agreed to give the Torah to the entire Jewish people. Thus the fact that the Jewish people -- adults and children -- have the Torah today, is because of the guarantorship of the Jewish children. From the children of that generation, this guarantorship has passed from generation to generation to the children of the present day, including each one of you.
Thus each one of you should appreciate the great merit and the great responsibility of each of the Jewish children of our generation. Each of you stand in the place of the children who were present at the giving of the Torah. This connection is reinforced by mentioning this concept again and allows us to receive the Torah again from G-d. And similarly, it hastens the coming of the Redemption, when we will again hear "the new [dimensions of the] Torah which will emerge from Me."
When Jewish children gather together in a place where Jews pray, study Torah, and accept resolutions to give tzedakah, this strengthens the recollection of the above concept. Furthermore, this recollection does not remain only on the intellectual plane, but rather effects one's body and soul, causing one to study Torah and fulfill mitzvos. In particular, this applies in regard to the mitzvah of tzedakah, that each of you should add from your own funds to the money you are given to distribute to tzedakah, because tzedakah brings the Redemption close.
And then we will merit the fulfillment of the prayers of Moshe who prayed 515 times that he and the entire Jewish people would be allowed to enter Eretz Yisrael. And there, we will proceed to Jerusalem, and to the Beis HaMikdash.
The Ten Commandments contain 620 letters. These relate to the 613 mitzvos of the Torah and the seven mitzvos of the Rabbis. Thus there is a uniqueness to the last seven letters of the commandments èÆÿî ÿÖÇ which mean "that is possessed by your colleague."
This represents a clear directive for every Jew. Not only must one heed G-d's command, "I am G-d, your L-rd" and all the other "spiritual" commandments, one must also show concern for other Jews, and even for their property. Furthermore, the phrase reads "everything that is possessed by your colleague;" i.e., not only silver and gold and objects of value, but even objects of minimal worth which another Jew owns, must be cared for. Since such an object belongs to another Jew, one should guard it in a way which befits the fulfillment of one of G-d's mitzvos.[151]
And fulfilling the commandments in this manner will hasten the time when Moshe's prayers will be fulfilled. And together with him and with the entire Jewish people, we will proceed to Eretz Yisrael, to Jerusalem, and to the Beis HaMikdash.
[Afterwards, the Rebbe Shlita spoke a short sichah concerning the distribution of money to be given to tzedakah and the singing of the niggunim which are customarily sung at these rallies.]

- (Back to text) This Beis HaMikdash will also contain elements of the first and second Batei Mikdashos. These will, however, be fused together so that it will be one single building, for all of these three Batei Mikdashos were constructed in fulfillment of one command, "And you shall make Me a Sanctuary and I will dwell within."
- (Back to text) Even if the owner of the object himself does not consider it valuable, one must care for it, for caring for this article fulfills G-d's mitzvah.