{After the Minchah service, the children recited the 12 Pesukim and sang the niggun, "We Want Mashiach Now."}
There is an intrinsic connection between the portion of Torah which is read and studied each day and the day itself. The comprehension of the unique lesson associated with the present day will be enhanced by prefacing its explanation with an explanation of the greatness and the holiness of the Torah. The latter is reflected in our praise of G-d in our morning blessings because "He has chosen us from among all the nations and gave us His Torah."
Although there are many nations in the world, G-d chose the Jews alone, selecting each individual, man, woman, or child whether young or old. Each Jew, even a tiny child, is called Yisrael which is an acronym for the Hebrew words meaning, "There are 600,000 letters in the Torah." Similarly, there are 600,000 general souls[100] implying that there is a letter in the Torah connected with each Jewish soul.
G-d invested Himself in the Torah which He gave us. Thus, our Sages explain that the word Anochi (the first word of the Ten Commandments) is an acronym for the Hebrew words meaning, "I wrote down and gave over Myself." This Torah was given to each Jew to instruct[101] him how to live his daily life. Furthermore, we use the expression "the light of Torah," implying that these instructions illuminate and shine within our lives.
This same Torah was also given to young children. We are reminded of this by the mezuzah which is affixed to the door of every Jewish child's room. When a child asks his parents what the mezuzah means, the parents explain that G-d wanted a mezuzah to be affixed to the door of every room in a Jewish home to remind us that "the L-rd is G-d, the L-rd is one." He is unified with every entity within His creation.
From this awesomely great creation, G-d chose us -- each and every Jew -- and entrusted us with the mission of fulfilling His Torah and bringing it into every place throughout the world. Therefore, the angels come to hear the Torah which a Jew -- even a Jewish child -- studies.
The Torah was given to us as an inheritance. This implies that just as an inheritance is transferred to an heir automatically, regardless of his knowledge of it or efforts to acquire it, similarly, each Jew has a portion in Torah. Therefore, each Jew is required to study Torah every day.
Although we are presently in exile among the nations, each day, we praise G-d for "choosing us from among the nations," with the confidence that G-d will grant us all forms of good, including the ultimate good, the Torah. The Torah emphasizes the connection between observing its commandments and G-d's blessings, promising, "If you follow My statutes, I will grant you rains in their season, the land will produce its crops and the trees of the field will provide fruit."
The above awareness should inspire Jewish children to speak words of Torah when they meet other children. Whenever two or more Jewish children meet together, they should exchange words of Torah.
The above is enhanced by the influence of "the season of our rejoicing." The use of the plural in that expression implies that this happiness is felt by every Jew. Thus, each Jewish child should try to share his holiday joy with the other children whom he encounters. Similarly, he should endeavor to bring his parents joy by conducting himself in a Jewish manner. This is the ultimate source of happiness.
The expression "our rejoicing" also implies that our happiness is shared by G-d as well. Just as "Israel rejoices in its maker," "G-d rejoices in His works." Although this happiness exists throughout the year, it comes into greater revelation on the holiday of Sukkos.[102]
This will serve as a preparation for the ultimate rejoicing, the complete and final redemption. May it come speedily in our days. Then we will proceed "with our youth and our elders... with our sons and with our daughters," to Eretz Yisrael, to Jerusalem, and to the Beis HaMikdash.
This week's Torah portion, parshas Zos HaBerachah, describes the blessings which Moshe conveyed upon the entire Jewish people.
[103] In particular, the portion of Torah studied on the present day, the second aliyah in Parshas Zos HaBerachah, provides an important lesson for every Jew.
This lesson revolves around the passage, "To Levi, he said... They shall teach Your judgments to Ya'akov and Your Torah to Israel." Although the Levites were distinguished for their service in the Sanctuary and the Beis HaMikdash, Moshe first acknowledges them for their efforts to teach Torah to other Jews.
G-d values a Jew's efforts to do a favor for another Jew much more than that person's service of G-d. To emphasize this concept, Moshe cited the Levites' efforts to teach Torah to others -- and particularly to Jewish children -- before mentioning their service in the Sanctuary. (Similarly, this concept is reflected in the Alter Rebbe's structure of the prayer service, which he begins with the declaration, "Behold, I accept upon myself... the commandment, 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' ")
Thus, the primary quality of the tribe of Levi is reflected in their efforts to spread Torah among the Jewish people. The Rambam writes that the attributes of the tribe of Levi are not restricted to that tribe alone, and can be shared by "anyone of a generous spirit... who chooses to stand before G-d." Therefore, each Jew can and should take part in the service of "teaching Your judgments to Ya'akov and Your Torah to Israel," spreading Torah and mitzvos among the Jewish people at large.
Establishing this connection between Jews will lead to the time when the Jews will be collected from all four corners of the earth and return to Eretz Yisrael.[104] There, we will watch the Levites serving in the Beis HaMikdash. May it be in the immediate future.
As usual, this gathering will be concluded by distributing money -- through the tankists -- to be given to tzedakah. Three coins will be distributed to each individual, two to be given to tzedakah -- preferably, together with an addition from your own pocket money -- and the third to use as you desire.
May this tzedakah hasten the coming of the redemption and may we continue the celebration of Sukkos in the Beis HaMikdash.

- (Back to text) In particular, there are more than 600,000 souls for each soul sub-divides into many different sparks. The all-inclusive nature of these general souls is paralleled in certain individuals who are "general souls," including in them, the sparks for their students' souls as well.
- (Back to text) Indeed, the name Torah is related to the Hebrew word horo'ah meaning "instruction."
- (Back to text) In general, the holiday of Sukkos is associated with revelation. Therefore, the Divine blessings drawn down on Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur are revealed on Sukkos.
- (Back to text) Although some of these blessings were initially directed to an individual tribe, through that tribe, they were ultimately drawn down to the entire Jewish people.
- (Back to text) This will happen after the coming of Mashiach. Similarly, his coming will also be followed by the Resurrection of the Dead when all departed parents and grandparents will arise together with the souls of the leaders of our people in previous generations from the Patriarch Ya'akov and Moshe our teacher, until the Previous Rebbe.