These are the days of tashlumin for the holiday of Shavuos, "the season of the giving of our Torah." Tashlumin is related to the word shelaimus, meaning perfection, i.e., these days can add perfection to the service of Shavuos.
This will reveal the alef -- G-d, Alufo shel olam, the "L-rd of the world" -- in the world and thus, transform goleh, "exile" into geulah, redemption. This brings about a revelation which resembles that of the giving of the Torah, when "the L-rd descended on Mount Sinai..." and the Jews saw and heard[61] Divine revelation.
This relates to the mission with which the Jews have been charged, to create "a dwelling for G-d in the lower worlds." This is reflected in this gathering which is associated with each person's departure for his individual place in this world. Nevertheless, this departure is itself not the desired intent. Rather, the intent is to create unity within the world, to make the four corners of the world an arba kanfos for G-d. The service of making the world a tallis for G-d is accomplished through the Torah as alluded to in the verse, "He enrobes Himself in light like a cloak." Though the Torah is G-d's Torah, "a hidden treasure," it has descended and enclothed itself in matters of this world to the extent that "the Torah is not in the heavens." Rather, it is within the power of each Jew to change the circumstances of this world by rendering a Torah decision[62] and thus, transform the world into a dwelling for G-d.
This is the purpose of the descent of the Jews' souls into the world, "a deep pit," to dig into the world and reveal how deep within it and within each Jew, there is "a source of living waters.[63]
The above concepts are also associated with the portion of the Rambam's Mishneh Torah studied today, the conclusion of Hilchos Temurah and the beginning of the Book of Taharah.[64] In these halachos, the Rambam speaks the general intent of Torah and mitzvos, explaining that "Most of the laws of the Torah are far-reaching counsel from He of Great Counsel to correct [our] thinking processes and straighten our deeds."
In this context, we can derive a positive interpretation of the concept of Temurah, the transfer of holiness from a consecrated animal to a non-consecrated one. The world which is, by nature, non-consecrated, will be elevated to a level of holiness.
This will be accomplished through each person in his particular mission upon his return home. Included in this mission, is the campaign of immediate concern, the establishment of public sessions of Torah study.
The Hebrew for "sessions of Torah study," shiur, also means "measure." Thus, this objective involves a combination of opposites. On one hand, we are speaking of G-d's infinite Torah. Conversely, the Torah is brought down within the "measure" of this world.
"Deed is most essential." Each man, woman, and child must establish more public Torah sessions.[65] This applies even to children who have a natural desire to share what they learn with others. These study sessions should constantly be increased. This will spread peace throughout the world for "its (the Torah's) ways are pleasant ways and all its paths are peace" and bring unity to the world, heralding the ultimate unity which will be realized in the Messianic age. Then, we will proceed "on heavenly clouds" to Eretz Yisrael, to Jerusalem, and to the Temple Mount.
Yechidus to Bar and Bas Mitzvah Youth
In addition to the blessings given above, a special blessing is appropriate in connection with your Bar and Bas Mitzvahs. Our Sages associate the giving of the Torah with the concept of Bar Mitzvah, for then, the entire Jewish people became obligated to fulfill the mitzvos. Each year, this concept is renewed and intensified. Similarly, on an individual level, your Bar and Bas Mitzvahs represents -- in microcosm -- a renewal of this commitment. Each Bar or Bas Mitzvah youth should resolve to intensify his commitment to Torah and mitzvos.
This is enhanced by the fulfillment of the custom that Bar and Bas youth themselves[66] give an increased amount of tzedakah on the day of their Bar Mitzvah.
May these activities hasten the coming of the age when "A new Torah will emerge from Me" with the coming of Moshiach. This will be hastened by an increase in tzedakah which hastens the redemption.
Yechidus to Grooms and Brides
In addition to the blessings given above, a special blessing is appropriate in connection with your establishment of a Jewish home. This is associated with the recitation of the seven blessings which conclude "Speedily will be heard in the cities of Jerusalem and the outskirts of Jerusalem, ...the voice of a groom and the voice of a bride" with the ultimate and complete redemption. May we speedily hear of the coming of Moshiach.
This will be hastened by the fulfillment of the custom that grooms and brides (as well as their parents and family members) increase their gifts to tzedakah in connection with the wedding. May this contribute to the success of the wedding and the successful establishment of a home of children involved with Torah and mitzvos.
This is associated with this week's Torah portion which describes the kindling of the Menorah for "the soul of man is the candle of G-d." May this add to the happiness of the wedding and may this lead to the ultimate celebration, the "wedding" between G-d and the Jewish people which will be celebrated in the Messianic age.

- (Back to text) This is reflected in the fact that tachnun is not recited during these days. This implies that tachnun is unnecessary. Since Torah brings atonement and teshuvah to the world, the influence of "the season of the giving of our Torah" accomplishes all that would be achieved by reciting tachnun.
- (Back to text) There is an added emphasis on this during the present year, the fortieth year after the Previous Rebbe's passing, a year in which we are granted, "eyes to see (Chochmah), ears to hear (Binah), and a knowing heart (Da'as)."
- (Back to text) This also applies to children. Though they cannot render halachic decisions themselves, by carrying out the decisions rendered by others, they change the nature of the world.
- (Back to text) This relates to the teaching of the Baal Shem Tov on the verse, "And you will be a desired land for Me," that just as there are treasures buried within the earth, within each Jew, there are hidden treasures. There is added relevance to this teaching at present, in the days just following the Baal Shem's yahrzeit.
- (Back to text) The Book of Taharah is the tenth of the books of the Mishneh Torah. "The tenth will be holy." This is also related to the present day, the eleventh of Sivan which is influenced by the tenth and in turn, leads to the twelfth and the thirteenth. Thirteen is numerically equivalent to echad, "one."
- (Back to text) These sessions should include at least ten individuals. On one hand, each person must collect his own ten spiritual powers and concentrate them on Torah study. He must, however, also work to engage ten other individuals in study sessions.
- (Back to text) In addition, the parents and teachers of the Bar Mitzvah youth should give additional amounts to tzedakah in connection with this day.