May G-d fulfill the wishes of the hearts of each and every Jew -- men, women, and children -- for good. May each and every Jew merit physical health and spiritual health. May they be able to carry out all the spiritual and material preparations for Pesach with happiness and then, "proceed from strength to strength" until we "appear before G-d in Zion."
May we merit the complete and true redemption, led by Moshiach when we will all proceed with our "youth and our elders, our sons and our daughters" to Eretz Yisrael, to Jerusalem, and to the Beis HaMikdash.
This is particularly true since the blessings are being given in a special place, the synagogue and the house of study of the Previous Rebbe and at a special time, the month of Nissan of the year 5750. As explained frequently, 5750 is "a year of miracles," and the very name Nissan alludes to "miracles of a miraculous nature." May this also include the most important miracle, the Messianic redemption, as our Sages declared, "In Nissan, our people were redeemed [from Egypt,] and in Nissan, they will be redeemed [by the Moshiach]."
There is a particular emphasis on the above today, the eleventh of Nissan, for this day is connected with the Nasi ("prince") of the tribe of Asher. The Torah relates that Asher "will serve the delicacies of the king."
This also relates to this week's Torah portion which describes the sacrifices which -- may it be G-d's will -- we will soon sacrifice in the Third Beis HaMikdash.[175]
Our Sages state, "G-d associates good resolutions with deed." Accordingly, since the Jews have already made all the necessary resolutions, G-d will shower upon them all the necessary blessings as if they have already carried out this service. Each Jew will be granted everything that he needs. He will achieve success in all his efforts and derive satisfaction from his own deeds, those of his family, and those carried out within his surrounding environment. May this bring G-d the true satisfaction which He awaits from each Jew, a member of the nation which "He created to relate His praise."[176]
The above can be associated with the chapter of Psalms associated with the present day, Psalm 89. This Psalm begins "A composition of Eitan HaEzrachi," a name which Chassidus associates with the Messianic redemption. It includes the verse, "The world was created through kindness,"[177] and concludes, "May G-d be blessed forever. Amen and Amen." The Hebrew word translated as "forever," can also be rendered "to the world," implying that all the Divine blessings descend and are enclothed in the world. This is affirmed and reaffirmed by the words "Amen and Amen."

- (Back to text) Similarly, the portion of the coming week, parshas Shemini, also is associated with the Messianic age. (See Likkutei Torah 11a.)
- (Back to text) See the sichos of parshas Vayikra.
- (Back to text) This is related to the patriarch Avraham, whose service was characterized by kindness.