The tenth of Kislev is the Mitteler Rebbe's day of redemption. The number ten is unique as the Torah states, "The tenth will be holy." In particular, this applies in the month of Kislev, a unique month, and especially, in the present year,
Tav-Shin-Nun, "a year of miracles."
Since this is a "meritorious day," it should lead to an increase in our service, particularly, in a manner that effects our deed and action. May this day of redemption bring about the ultimate Messianic redemption. Immediately, on this very night, even before we recite krias shema al hamitah, even before the continuation of the Chassidic farbrengen which will be held, may we all proceed to Jerusalem, to the Beis HaMikdash.
"All the appointed times for Moshiach's coming have passed." Even the time for shouting "Ad massai," ("Until when") has passed. There is no longer a need to shout Ad massai since we have already completed our service in the midst of the exile. In the previous generation, the Previous Rebbe already announced "Stand prepared" to receive the Moshiach. He said that all that was necessary for them to do was "polish the buttons." Surely, in this time, we have completed the task of polishing the buttons and are prepared for Moshiach's coming.
Surely, this applies on a "day of redemption." Our Sages declared all redemptions are interconnected. In particular, this applies in "a year of miracles." There is no need to elaborate on these matters for immediately Moshiach will come.
A connection can be established between the weekly Torah portion and the concept of redemption. The Hebrew for redemption, äîàÇé, is numerically equivalent to 45, Mah, which is the numerical equivalent of G-d's name ä-à-ä-ë and its millui. This redemption will effect the name Ban which is related with the world. As explained in Likkutei Torah, the wedding of Yitzchok and Rivkah is related to the union of Mah and Ban.
Similarly, this week's portion speaks about Ya'akov's departure to Charan for the sake of elevating and refining it where he raised twelve children who became the progenitors of the twelve tribes. The conclusion of the parshah describes how Ya'akov had already completed his work of refinement and expected that Esav had also completed his own work of refinement[174] and was also prepared for the Messianic redemption.[175]
Even though Esav was not ready for the redemption at that time, many years have passed since that time and now even Esav is ready for the Messianic redemption. This is obvious from the events of the last few weeks where we see that the entire situation of the world is changing and now it is possible for Ya'akov to receive the lights of Esav.
This should be reflected in our service. Each person must live in a manner of Tohu (powerful lights, Esav's quality), but draw them down in vessels of Tikkun (large vessels, Ya'akov's quality). In particular, this applies in regard to giving tzedakah. (This is especially relevant to America, for one of the fundamental pillars of this country is the willingness to give tzedakah to everyone regardless of his country of origin.) Thus, we will conclude this gathering by giving money to be distributed to tzedakah[176] and may we merit, immediately without waiting any further, the coming of Moshiach and the ultimate and complete redemption.

- (Back to text) Esav's source is higher than Ya'akov's. (Esav's source is from the world of Tohu which is higher than the world of Tikkun which is the source of Ya'akov.) Though Esav was wicked, that itself is a reflection of how high his source is (for when an entity is on a high level, there is the potential for it to fall extremely low).
- (Back to text) This includes also the elevation of Egypt which is the source of all exile.
- (Back to text) The giving of tzedakah shares an intrinsic connection with the present day, the tenth of Kislev for we are required to give a tenth of our income to tzedakah. It is, however, Jewish custom to give an even greater portion, a fifth.