Though the Gabbai made many announcements, he forgot to announce "Good Shabbos, Good Yom Tov." In particular, such an announcement is appropriate on the holiday of Sukkos which the Torah associates with happiness three times. Even the days of Chol HaMoed are characterized by rejoicing. How much more so does this apply regarding the days which are festivals, particularly when the festival falls on a Shabbos, for Shabbosos are also referred to as "your days of rejoicings."
Therefore, it is appropriate that "Good Shabbos, Good Yom Tov" be announced three times. May this lead to the day that is "all Shabbos and rest for all eternity" and the day which is all good and happiness for eternity.
(The entire congregation proclaimed "Good Shabbos, Good Yom Tov" in unison. Afterwards, the Rebbe Shlita began the niggun, "V'somachtoh b'Chagechoh.")
The unique dimension of the celebration of Sukkos this year is related to the portion of Torah studied as Chitas today which includes the final reading of the portion, Zos HaBerachah, i.e., the conclusion of the entire Torah. Thus, the day shares a commonalty with Simchas Torah, when the conclusion of the Torah is associated with rejoicing, a rejoicing which is totally unbounded in nature. On all the other festivals, the court would send officers to make sure that the celebration was contained within the bounds of proprietary. In contrast, the celebrations of Simchas Torah (like those of Purim, the 15th of Av, and Yom Kippur[32]) are boundless.
In addition, as explained on a number of occasions, because we are in exile, the celebrations of Simchas Beis HaShoevah can also be held on the first day of the festival. This celebration is enhanced by the influence of Shabbos, "the day of your rejoicing." From the Shabbos, the blessing of happiness is drawn down to the other days of the week.
Sukkos is referred to as "the season of our rejoicing," using the plural term. This implies that one must also spread this unbounded rejoicing to another Jew. This is also related to the interpretation that the plural usage refers to the rejoicing of a Jew and G-d, that both join together in celebration.
The celebrations of this day must be unbounded in nature. This is particular true in the present year, Tav-Shin-Nun, a "year of miracles." The rejoicing will be enhanced by the influence of the Ushpizan, including the first Ushpiza, Avraham and the Baal Shem Tov, who are distinguished as being single individuals who introduced a new concept, and the final Ushpiza, King Dovid, the progenitor of the Moshiach, who will bring the ultimate and complete redemption. May it be now, immediately.

- (Back to text) The Arizal explains that the Hebrew for Yom Kippur (ìëÿàöï ìàë) can be interpreted as ìëÿàö-ï ìàë -- "A day like Purim."