Today, a Tuesday, is distinguished by the repetition of the statement, "And G-d saw that it was good," associated by our Sages with a twofold good, "good to the heavens" and "good to the creatures." This is particularly true of a Tuesday in the month of Tishrei, a unique month, and especially, after Yom Kippur, when Tachanun is not recited. This emphasizes that our service must focus on Teshuvah Ila'ah, the Teshuvah associated with happiness.
This is reflected by the story concerning the Previous Rebbe who asked his father after Yom Kippur, "What must we do now?" and his father answered him, "Now, we must begin to do Teshuvah." Thus, even if the Teshuvah of the Ten Days of Teshuvah was carried out in a spirit of happiness, we must reach a higher level of joy after Yom Kippur. (The aspect of happiness receives even greater emphasis this year when Rosh HaShanah falls on Shabbos.)
The uniqueness of the day following Yom Kippur is reflected by the name with which it is customarily referred, "Gots Nommen," "G-d's name." The Baal Shem Tov explains that the Yiddish name for G-d is used rather than any of the Hebrew terms because each of the Hebrew terms refers to a specific level of G-dliness. The Yiddish term implies that the dimension of G-dliness revealed transcends all revealed levels.
This is connected with the concept of tzedakah. Revelations from all the levels of G-dliness connected with a specific name come as reward for service. The revelation of this dimension of G-dliness, however, comes as an expression of tzedakah motivated by G-d's generosity. The realization of this concept should bring about great happiness. This happiness is further emphasized by the fact that during the present days, we are occupied with the preparations for the mitzvos of "the season of our rejoicing."[26]
The above is also connected with the portion of Torah connected with the present day which mentions the blessings given Yosef. There is a unique dimension to these blessings. None of the blessings given to the other tribes are included in a single aliyah. They are either grouped together with the blessings given other tribes or with the blessings given to the Jewish people as a whole. The tribe of Yosef is the only tribe for which an entire aliyah is devoted to its blessings.
These blessings are of an all inclusive nature, including the blessings of "the heavens" and "the depths," uniting the two opposites into a single blessing. These blessings are connected with the entire Jewish people for, at times, Yosef is used as a name for the people as a whole.
Our generation shares a special connection to the above for the Nassi of our generation, the Previous Rebbe, was named Yosef. In particular, this connection is emphasized at present in the days directly preceding the yahrzeit of the Previous Rebbe's grandfather, the Rebbe Maharash. The two shared a unique connection, to the extent that the Previous Rebbe's facial figures were identical with those of the Rebbe Maharash.[27]
It is related that when the Previous Rebbe visited Eretz Yisrael, one of the Rebbe Maharash's chassidim visited him and fainted upon entering the room. When he came to, he explained that looking at the Previous Rebbe's face was just like looking at that of the Rebbe Maharash's. This was not a miraculous event. Rather, the facial features of the two were identical.
Added emphasis to the above comes because this year, Tav-Shin-Nun, is "a year of miracles." This includes both open, revealed miracles and miracles of the nature that "the person to whom the miracle occurred does not recognize it." Surely, this will include the greatest miracle, the coming of the Messianic redemption.

- (Back to text) Interestingly, the obligation to begin building the Sukkah on the evening following Yom Kippur is mentioned twice in the Shulchan Aruch: once, in the conclusion of the laws of Yom Kippur, and once, in the beginning of the laws of Sukkos.
The first mention of this law is related to the service of Yom Kippur, explaining how the day must be concluded with happiness, "serving G-d with joy," proceeding from one mitzvah to another mitzvah. The second mention of the law is connected with the laws of Sukkos, explaining that the blessing Shehechiyanu should be recited on the construction of the Sukkah. (Nevertheless, rather than recite the blessing separately for building the Sukkah, we have its construction in mind when we recite the blessing on Sukkos night.)
- (Back to text) Our Sages mentioned the concept of identical facial features in regard to the Patriarchs, Avraham and Yitzchok. This is also related to the Previous Rebbe, for his second name was Yitzchok.