Today is the beginning of the 15th of Elul which is a unique day. In regard to the days of the week, the 15th of Elul's significance is reflected by the fact that it always falls on the same day as Erev Rosh HaShanah. In regard to the days of the month, it is important because it represents the night of a full moon (and is thus related to the Jewish people, who resemble and structure their calendar according to the moon).
The 15th of Elul is also unique in that it is the anniversary of the founding of Yeshivas Tomchei Temimim in Lubavitch. The founding of the Yeshivah is associated with the Jewish people as a whole as explained by the Rebbe Rashab in the Sicha, Kol HaYotzei L'Milchemes Bais Dovid. There, the Rebbe Rashab relates that Yeshivas Tomchei Temimim was established to hasten the coming of Mashiach.[237] Its students were to fight "the wars of the House of David (i.e., Mashiach)," combatting "those who have brought shame to the footsteps of Your Mashiach." Since there are those who oppose the coming of the Mashiach, it was necessary to train an army with unique powers to combat them. This was the task intended for the students of Tomchei Temimim.
On this basis, we can understand the connection between the establishment of the Yeshivah and every single Jew: man, woman, or child. Since in the Messianic redemption, no single Jew will be left in exile, every Jew shares a connection with the students of the Yeshivah who will hasten the coming of that redemption.
When he established the Yeshivah, the Rebbe Rashab appointed his only son, the Previous Rebbe, as its director. (Indeed, the Yeshivah was established in the seven days of celebration after his wedding and shares an obvious connection to that event.) Even after the passing of the Rebbe Rashab, when the Previous Rebbe assumed the position of Nasi, he did not give up his position in the Yeshivah. He appointed his elder son-in-law -- and our sages teach, "A son-in-law is like a son" -- in that position so that there would be an individual able to give himself over to the task of running the Yeshivah as required, but he, himself, remained its director.
As the Yeshivah spread and established branches throughout the world, the Previous Rebbe continued his activities on its behalf. Even after he passed away -- since "holiness never moves from its place" -- he surely continued -- and continues -- to act on behalf of the Yeshivah.
The same holds true of his son-in-law who dedicated himself with mesirus nefesh to the Yeshivah's growth. He, too, is in "the World of Truth" and there, continues to work on behalf of the Yeshivah.[238]
Since it is necessary that the activities on behalf of the Yeshivah be carried out within the context of this material world, after the Previous Rebbe's son-in-law passed away, these activities are being carried out by the Yeshivah's directors (both those in charge of its material welfare and those in charge of its spiritual welfare).[239] They are also devoted to their task with mesirus nefesh and are given energy and power by the Previous Rebbe, the Yeshivah's director.
This year marks the 92nd anniversary of the establishment of the Yeshivah and the 50th[240] anniversary of its transfer to America.[241] In this context, I extend a soulfelt request that farbrengens be held in celebration of that event here in Brooklyn where the main branch of the Yeshivah is located and everywhere else where there are branches of the Yeshivah.
These farbrengens should begin tonight and continue until Chai (the 18th of) Elul, the day on which the study sessions where first held in the Yeshivah. They should also be associated with the printing of a new Chassidic text or the reprinting of a text that has been out of circulation for a number of years and hence, has not been given adequate attention.
In this context, it is worthy to reprint the discourse: "Kol HaYotzei L'Milchemes Bais Dovid" which as mentioned above clarifies the goals the Rebbe Rashab set for the students of Tomchei Temimim. It was published by the Previous Rebbe shortly after coming to America. Since it has not been reprinted in the last few years, it has not been studied -- and therefore, its lessons have not been applied -- to the desired extent. It is particularly important at present since its message deals with the theme of combatting "those who brought shame to the footsteps of Your Mashiach."
These gatherings should be coordinated by the directors of the Yeshivah. They, however, are not the only ones responsible. Everyone who ever studied in Tomchei Temimim or has had his children educated there should take part. He should not wait to be asked to do his share, but should volunteer to help in whatever is necessary.
Also, this is an appropriate time to think of opening new branches of the Yeshivah. Those who would like to open a branch of Tomchei Temimim in their community should send a detailed proposal to the Yeshivah's central office.
May these activities bring about an increase in the study of Torah, both Nigleh and Chassidus, and similarly an increase in all the three paths of service; Torah, prayer, and deeds of kindness.

- (Back to text) Obviously, there was a special aim in the establishment of the Yeshivah for there was no lack of Yeshivos in those days.
- (Back to text) Indeed, there, he has the potential to consult with the Previous Rebbe regarding the Yeshivah's future.
- (Back to text) Those in charge of the Yeshivah's material affairs have a different role than those involved in its spiritual affairs. It is, nevertheless, desirable that the leaders of both departments meet and consult from time to time to coordinate their activities.
- (Back to text) Our Sages declared: "After forty years, a person grasps his teacher's ideas [in their fullness]." Surely, the passage of an additional ten years, adding up to a complete Yoval cycle, represents an even higher level.
- (Back to text) Note above the Sichos of the 3rd and 12th of Tammuz, which explain the significance in spreading the "wellsprings of Chassidus" in America, "the lower half of the world."