This week's portion begins with the mitzvah of Bikkurim (the first fruits). Thus, it is connected with the present day, Sunday, the first day of the week, which represents the beginning of the cycle of the time.
[220] The connection between Bikkurim and Sunday is further emphasized by the verse, "And the earth and all therein is the L-rd's." (Tehillim 24:1) This is the message of the mitzvah of Bikkurim.
This is also connected with Adam, the first man, whom our Sages described as the Bikkurim of the entire world. This title was conveyed upon him because the world was created for the sake of man. Hence, the first man is considered as the first fruits of the world.
This is reflected in the birth of each person. Regardless of his position in his family, he -- like Adam -- reflects an entire world as our Sages state:[221] "Whoever maintains the existence of a single Jewish soul is considered as if he maintained the existence of the entire world." Indeed, Adam was created alone -- [in contrast to the other species who were created in pairs] -- to teach this concept.
This is related to the mitzvah of tzedakah which maintains the recipient's existence, allowing him to purchase his life necessities. Surely, every individual will accept the mission to give tzedakah and add from his own funds. This mitzvah should be carried out with new energy as if it was the first time in his life that he performed this mitzvah. The Baal Shem Tov related that a soul may descend to this earth and live seventy or eighty years in order to do one favor for a Jew whether in material things or in spiritual things. Thus, it is possible that giving this tzedakah fulfills the purpose for one's entire existence.
All of the above receives greater emphasis in the month of Elul, the month when, "the king is in the field." In particular, this applies on the present date, the tenth of Elul for the number ten represents a state of completion. As mentioned previously, Elul is related to the three services of Torah, prayer, and deeds of kindness, and also to the services of teshuvah and redemption. We take stock and complete the service of the previous year and prepare for the year to come. The tenth of the month represents a complete state in these services.[222]
The combination of the tenth of the month and the first of the week represents a fusion of the services to be internalized within our ten powers of soul and that which reflects the essence of the soul (represented by the number one), a service which is above all limitation. This relates to the fulfillment of these services[223] with joy, for happiness breaks down all barriers.
This is particularly true since, at present, a wedding has been celebrated here. May this be representative of the wedding -- to be contrasted to the betrothal which is related to the giving of the Torah -- between G-d and the Jewish people[224] which will be in the Messianic Age.
Even before then, we will hear good tidings in all matters as G-d blesses everyone with a good year. In the conclusion of ê"ÄÖÜ (associated with the concept of release), G-d will release all the obligations incurred by the Jews through undesirable behaviors and we will proceed into É"ÖÜ, a year of miracles.

- (Back to text) Each week represents a completion of the cycle of time and on the following Sunday, that cycle begins anew.
- (Back to text) Note the citation of this teaching by the Rambam in the portion of the Mishneh Torah studied in the previous days.
- (Back to text) In particular, it is connected with the service of redemption which is connected with the tenth song and other dimensions of the Messianic redemption which are associated with the number ten.
- (Back to text) In particular, the service of teshuvah is connected with the concept of happiness.
- (Back to text) The blessing recited under the Chupah praising G-d for "sanctifying His people Israel through Chupah and Kiddushin" alludes to the idea that the ultimate wedding is between G-d and the Jews.