Today is the yahrzeit of the AriZal, the day on which "all his deeds, Torah, and service which he carried out throughout his life" ascend above and then, "is revealed and is illuminated from above to below... 'bringing about salvation in the midst of the earth.' " This particularly applies at present, during the Nine Days and more precisely, during the week of Tishah BeAv, a time when salvation is most necessary.
The Ari is referred to as "the living Ari," a title which we do not find conveyed upon others, even great tzaddikim. Our Sages mention four righteous men (among them, Yishai, Dovid's father, the progenitor of Mashiach) who died "because of the serpent;" i.e., because of the sin of the Tree of Knowledge into which the serpent lured Adam and Chavah. Similarly, when Rav Moshe Cordevero died, the AriZal eulogized him and stated that "his death is dependent on the tree, on the Tree of Knowledge,[120] when death was decreed." The expression, "the living," is found in regard to the Ari alone.
The Ari's name, Yitzchok, is associated with the Messianic redemption as our Sages state that in that era, the people will state, "Avraham, we do not know; Yisrael, we do not recognize; Yitzchok, you are our father."
Similarly, the Ari's father's name, Shlomo, is also connected to the Messianic era, for in that age, the ultimate of peace will be revealed. The Mitteler Rebbe explains that Shlomo whose name means "man of peace," was given that name because his was an era of perfect peace. However, even the peace in his era was only a microcosm of the ultimate peace that will be realized in the Messianic Age. Similarly, Shlomo was distinguished for building the Beis HaMikdash. However, the ultimate revelation of the Beis HaMikdash will not be until the Messianic age.[121]
The coming of the Messianic Age is dependent on the teshuvah of the Jewish people. All the appointed times for Mashiach's coming have passed and everything depends on teshuvah. Even a mere thought of teshuvah is sufficient as the Talmud states in Kiddushin. How much more so does this apply when the thoughts of teshuvah have been expressed through deed, giving tzedakah and making siyyumim.
May we not need any more rationalizations about the matter, but rather, may the Beis HaMikdash be revealed immediately. It will contain all the advantages of the first and the second Batei HaMikdoshim.[122]
This is particularly true when we conclude by distributing money to be given to tzedakah[123] for giving tzedakah will hasten the tzedakah G-d will perform by bringing Mashiach. May it be immediately.

- (Back to text) Note Likkutei Sichos, Vol. XXIV, p. 132, which differentiates between the expression used by the Ari and that employed by our Sages.
- (Back to text) In this context, it must be noted that all the preparations for building the Beis HaMikdash were made by Dovid, his father, and even beforehand by Moshe who built the Sanctuary in the desert. Had other matters not interfered, directly after the entry into Eretz Yisrael, G-d would have revealed the ultimate Beis HaMikdash.
- (Back to text) Though in general, the first Beis HaMikdash was on a higher level than the second, the second Beis HaMikdash possessed certain advantages over the first, e.g., it existed for a longer period of time.
- (Back to text) The AriZal explains that the act of giving tzedakah reflects G-d's Name, ä-à-ä-ë. The coin reflects the letter ë; the five fingers of the giver's hand, the letter ä; the giver's arm, the letter, à; and the five fingers of the recipients hand, the final ä.