The third of (Gimmel) Tammuz commemorates the beginning of the redemption of the Previous Rebbe from imprisonment. Though originally, a death sentence had been passed against him, on the third of Tammuz, he was freed to travel to Kostrama, where he was to live in exile. Ultimately, he stayed there only a few days and received complete freedom later on Yud-Beis Tammuz.
"These days are remembered and celebrated." Thus, each year, though the primary commemoration of the redemption is held on Yud-Beis and Yud-Gimmel Tammuz, the beginning of the redemption on Gimmel Tammuz also warrants recognition. At the outset, it was not known whether what happened on Gimmel Tammuz was a positive development or not. However, in retrospect, it is clearly the beginning of the redemption. Thus, it is also the beginning of the process which ultimately brought the Previous Rebbe to America[28] where a new stage in the spreading of Chassidus was begun.
It is appropriate to conclude the gathering with the distribution of money to be given to tzedakah. This reflects the tzedakah which G-d gives every individual, granting children, health, and prosperity in abundance, particularly when a proper receptacle is made to accept His generosity.
Our Sages teach: "What G-d commands His children to fulfill, He, Himself, carries out." Thus, just as He commands us to give charity according to our potential, we can understand that He also gives according to His ultimate potential. Even if the charitable intent is not evident at the outset, ultimately, we will see how He fulfills our physical needs generously, and, how much more so, our spiritual needs.
This is particularly in the present year, the fortieth year since the Previous Rebbe's passing. Through this approach, we will merit the open miracles which will accompany the Messianic redemption, miracles which will surpass the miracles that accompanied the exodus from Egypt as implied by the verse, "As in the days of your exodus from Egypt, I will show you wonders." This is related to the coming year, É"ÖÜ, whose letters are an acronym for the Hebrew words meaning, "May this be a year of miracles."
This can be enhanced by our efforts in living in a miraculous manner, i.e., studying Torah, fulfilling mitzvos and spreading the wellsprings of Chassidus in a manner which is lifted above the natural order. Although our behavior until the present -- in this the last generation of the exile and the first generation of the redemption -- can already be considered a miraculous order, since this has been repeated several times, it has already become second nature and we must consider a higher and more "miraculous" rung of service.
The decision to do this is itself significant, as the Rambam writes, with one thought, speech, or deed, each Jew can tip the balance and bring salvation to himself and the entire world. This is particularly true since the Previous Rebbe told us that all that is necessary to do is "to polish the buttons," and Mashiach will come. Each one of us will point with his finger and say, "This is our G-d... This is the L-rd for whom we have hoped. Let us be happy and rejoice in His salvation."[29] May it be now, immediately.

- (Back to text) The Rebbe Shlita referred to America with the expression, "the lower half of the earth," a name which emphasizes how the wellsprings were spread even further outward than before, to the lowest possible levels.
- (Back to text) This quote is taken from the conclusion of the tractate of Ta'anis which deals with public fasts. Thus, it recalls the Rambam's statement that ultimately, all the public fasts will be transformed into festivals.