The very fact that many Jews, each possessing a soul which is "truly a part of G-d," gather together is itself a source for happiness. This is surely true when the gathering is held in a special place -- a synagogue, a house of study, and a place where resolutions are accepted to perform good deeds and give tzedakah. This is also a place where decisions are made concerning spreading Torah and Yiddishkeit throughout the entire world. It is also the Shul and Beis HaMedrash of the Previous Rebbe. Although he has passed away, the holiness has not left its place, but, on the contrary, has become further intensified.
Also, the gathering is being held in a special time, the third month which is associated with the giving of the Torah, a threefold light. In particular, the gathering is being held on the 17th of Sivan. 17 is the numerical equivalent of the Hebrew word, tov, "good." Thus, it is also associated with the Torah for our Sages declared, "There is no good other than Torah." This concept receives special emphasis today, Tuesday, the third day, which the Torah associates with a twofold good.
This gathering is further enhanced by the fact that it is being attended by Jewish women who have been granted special potentials by G-d and, in particular, is associated with the conclusion of a stage in the education of a portion of those assembled. Similarly, their teachers and counselors are also here, the participation of each individual adding to the nature of the gathering as implied by the expression, "Among the multitude of the people is the glory of the king." The more the "multitude of the people" is increased -- even by one person -- the greater "the glory of the king."
As the Previous Rebbe taught, "we must 'live with the times,' with the weekly Torah portion." The portion of Torah associated with the present day, the third aliyah of Parshas Behaalos'cha, deals with Pesach Sheni. The Previous Rebbe taught that this offering teaches us, "Nothing is ever lost. One can always correct." Even on the last day of one's life, one can correct all the service one has carried out throughout his life and elevate it to a higher and more complete level.
Even if an event transpired many years previously, one still has the power to correct and elevate one's deeds. Since a person's soul is "truly a spark of G-d from above," G-d will grant him assistance in elevating and correcting his behavior stretching back even to the moment he was born.
In particular, this applies to those who have finished an important stage of their education and are going on to educate others or have already begun to educate others. Surely, they will educate them in a manner that will motivate them to apply each of the Torah's lessons in the fullest degree possible, making them "candles which shine."[11]
This is related to the beginning of the weekly portion which speaks of Aharon's kindling of the lights in the Sanctuary. Rashi explains that he would light the candles of the Menorah "until the flame rose up on its own." Not only does one kindle the light, one continues to add light until "the flames rise up on their own."
This is particularly true in regard to those who are going to serve as counselors during the summer. Surely, they will use the summer in the fullest manner possible. Since they are travelling away from home, they must utilize the time that would otherwise be used helping with the housework to advance in Torah and mitzvos, in the love and fear of G-d.
May all of the above be carried out with happiness and with a joyous heart.[12] May the elevation of our past behavior prepare us for further positive acts in the future and may this prepare us for the ultimate good, the coming of Mashiach. Then we will proceed to Jerusalem and to the Third Temple. This will include all the previous Temples, including all the "Temples in microcosm" which Jewish women have established in their homes. These efforts will be enhanced by the conclusion of the gathering with the distribution of money to be given to tzedakah.
[After distributing the money to be given to charity, the Rebbe Shlita concluded:] May you have a healthy summer and may we might again with health and joy in Eretz Yisrael, in Jerusalem, in the very near future. May it be immediately.

- (Back to text) This relates to "the soul of man which is the candle of G-d" and "the light of Torah and the candle of mitzvah."
- (Back to text) The Hebrew term translated as "with a joyous heart," tov lavev is significant. The word lavev (üüî) has two veisim implying that not only the good inclination, but even the bad inclination should share these positive feelings. A housewife can easily understand this concept for she knows how to transform foods that are bitter into pleasant tasting delicacies. Indeed, these dishes are often more flavorful than dishes that are naturally sweet.