The present gathering is being held shortly after Shabbos, the day on which all the days of the coming week are blessed. This year, this Shabbos was also the second day of the holiday of Shavuos, "the season of the giving of our Torah." This day has an influence on all the days of the coming year
[130] and surely, on the days directly following it.
The holiday of Shavuos shares a connection with three of the leaders of our people: Moshe, who is connected with the giving of the Torah and King David and the Baal Shem Tov, whose yahrzeits are on the holiday of Shavuos. As explained in Chassidus, these three leaders each share a connection to every Jew which, in turn, grants each of us the potential to increase his service of spreading Torah.
The above is particularly relevant at present since the present days are the Days of Tashlumim for the holiday of Shavuos, the days on which sacrifices which were required to be offered because of the holiday, were brought to the Beis HaMikdash. The word tashlumim has the meaning "perfection" or "completion." Even if nothing was lacking in our service on Shavuos, these days add a dimension of "perfection" and "completion" to the holiday service.
The above is also related to the portion of the week Parshas Naso. The literal translation of the opening words of that portion, "Naso es rosh" is "Lift up the heads." Thus, this portion grants the potential for every Jew[131] to elevate himself to a higher rung for when the head is uplifted, the entire body also is raised.
Even though this command was given regarding the tribe of Levi alone, as the Rambam writes in Hilchos Shemittah V'Yovel:
Not only the tribe of Levi, but every person...whose generous spirit motivates set himself apart and to stand before G-d and serve Him...becomes sanctified as the holiest of the holy.
This implies that every Jew -- even during the time of exile -- has the potential to reach the level of the High Priest who enters the Holy of Holies.[132] This is the mission of every Jew, to draw down the Torah which G-d gave us to the extent that it becomes "our Torah," i.e., one with a person in thought, speech, and action. Even a gentile must be able to recognize how a Jew will not do anything without looking into the Torah for guidelines regarding his behavior. His Torah thoughts permeate through each dimension of his personality, effecting everything that he does, even those activities which superficially appear mundane.
When a Jew acts in this manner, he spreads Torah throughout the world. When the Jewish people as a whole carry out this mission, they prepare the world for the era when "sovereignty will be the L-rd's." In order to prepare the entire world for this revelation, each Jew was given a mission in a different place in the world. This is the reason that the Jews are "spread out and dispersed among the nations."
On the surface, since we are essentially "one nation," it would seem appropriate that this oneness be reflected in the Jews' geographic location as well. Nevertheless, this is not so and our people are dispersed throughout the entire world. However, this dispersion was intended to give the Jews the potential to elevate the entire world through following the directives of the Torah.[133] After this mission is completed, in the Messianic redemption, G-d will collect and unite all the Torah actions that were performed throughout the world and bring them as one to Eretz Yisrael, our holy land.
Thus, as we are about to depart from each other in order to allow each individual to carry out his mission in spreading Yiddishkeit, Torah, and the wellsprings of Chassidus, we must realize that there will be no real separation between us. Though geographically we will be separate, in a spiritual sense, we will remain one nation, united by the one Torah and sharing the same unique G-dly essence that makes us all one with Him. This oneness can even be appreciated by children who understand how they are connected with all other Jewish children throughout the entire world.
May this gathering motivate everyone to resolve to increase this spirit of oneness by increasing their ahavas Yisrael. This is also connected with the mission which will be given to each of you to distribute money to charity when you return home. May G-d bless each one of you with success in the study of Torah and with all the blessings. An increase in charity will hasten the revelation of all these matters. May this be amidst joy, including the ultimate joy which will be revealed at the coming of Mashiach.
Yechidus to Bar Mitzvah Youths and Their Parents
May G-d bless each and every one of you who is celebrating the Bar (or Bas) Mitzvah with success in all fields, in particular, in the observance of Torah and mitzvos amidst happiness and good health. May your parents and teachers derive joy from each one of you.
This will be enhanced by following the practice of giving charity on the day of one's Bar Mitzvah (or beforehand if the Bar Mitzvah falls on a Sabbath or festival). It is also appropriate for one's parents, grandparents, and teachers to increase their gifts to charity on this day for it is a great merit for them to raise a child to reach his/her Bar or Bas Mitzvah.
The concept of Bar Mitzvah when a youth becomes responsible for the performance of Torah and mitzvos is uniquely appropriate to the present days following the holiday of Shavuos when the entire Jewish people took on this responsibility for the first time.
May your increase in Torah and mitzvos (or at least, your resolution to do so) lead to the Messianic redemption when the Jews will renew their commitment to Torah and mitzvos for "a new Torah will emerge from Me" that will add a new dimension to mitzvos. This is particularly true when the mitzvah of tzedakah is involved. "Tzedakah brings near the redemption" and leads to the time when G-d will do the ultimate act of tzedakah and bring Mashiach. Then, the Jews will fulfill all the mitzvos including the offering of the sacrifices. This will be hastened by our prayers (which were instituted in place of the sacrifices). They will motivate G-d to fulfill the essential prayer of the Jews to bring the ultimate and complete redemption led by Mashiach.
Yechidus to Grooms and Brides
The above blessings apply to you as well. In addition, you, brides and grooms, receive the special blessings that are given to a couple who resolve to build a faithful home in Israel. May the wedding and the sheva berachos be successful. May you be blessed with long and pleasant years and with children and grandchildren, occupied in Torah and mitzvos.
The above will be enhanced by fulfilling the custom that a bride and groom give increased gifts to charity in connection with their wedding. (As is understood, this should come after an increase in the study of Torah, particularly in the special laws related to their new status.) May this charity hasten the coming of the Messianic redemption and may Israel proceed to the ultimate celebration, their wedding with G-d. May it come immediately.

- (Back to text) This is also alluded to by the name "the season of the giving of our Torah" as opposed to "the day of the giving of our Torah."
- (Back to text) This is particularly true in the present year when the portion of Naso is studied as Chitas for two consecutive weeks.
- (Back to text) See the Sichos of Parshas Emor.
- (Back to text) This also includes influencing the gentiles to follow the seven mitzvos which were given to the sons of Noach.