All the days of the counting of the Omer are preparations for the giving of the Torah. In particular, this applies to Lag BaOmer, the yartzeit of Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai, who is distinguished as "his occupation is Torah."
Furthermore, this level is not confined to Rabbi Shimon alone, but rather, he was able to extend this quality to "his colleagues." Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai was unique, "the tzaddik" who was "the foundation of the world" and he said, "if there is one, I am he," nevertheless, the Torah also teaches us that he had colleagues on his level.
This shows that even a tzaddik who stands alone -- not one of the many tzaddikim whose "merits exceed their sins," but the tzaddik who is "the foundation of the world" -- must spread his influence to others. [This alludes to the Midrash's statement quoted in Tanya, "G-d saw that the tzaddikim were few and planted them in every generation." The expression "planted them" implies that they, like plants, must produce fruit and those fruits must produce fruits.][1]
The above is particularly applicable this year, when Lag BaOmer falls on Tuesday, the day on which the expression, "And G-d saw that it was good," was repeated twice, associated by the Sages with the teaching, "Good for the heavens and good for the creatures." This must be expressed in the three services: Torah, prayer, and good deeds. This must begin with an increase that can actually be seen in Torah study, the study of both Nigleh (Torah's revealed, legal teachings) and P'nimiyus HaTorah (Torah's mystic truths).
This is also connected with the weekly Torah portion, Bechukosai. That word contains the word chukah which means "engrave," i.e., Torah must be engraved within our souls and thus become a permanent part of our being (in contrast to letters written in ink on parchment). Furthermore, we are commanded to "walk in His statutes," i.e., proceed further, to use our Sages' expression, "to work hard," in Torah study and the observance of mitzvos.[2] All this must be done with happiness for all aspects of Lag BaOmer are connected with happiness.
Thus, we see that Lag BaOmer has the power to nullify the customs of semi-mourning that are connected with the counting of the Omer and be celebrated as a day of happiness. Also, it is associated with weddings which produce an eternal structure based on Torah and mitzvos.[3]
May we merit "that speedily it will be heard in the cities of Judah and the outskirts of Jerusalem, the voice of happiness, the voice of joy, the voice of a groom and the voice of a bride." May this be even faster than "speedily," when the darkness of exile will be nullified and we will merit the light of redemption.

- (Back to text) As Tanya explains every Jew can attain -- in some degree -- the level of a tzaddik and, hence, this teaching is also applicable to him. Even before he reaches this level, he can, through his connection with a tzaddik, fulfill this instruction, "spreading the wellsprings of Chassidus outward."
- (Back to text) This portion is also the final portion of the book of Vayikra which is concluded with the statement "Chazak Chazak V'nischazeik," (Be strong, be strong, and gather strength) strengthening our observance of Torah and mitzvos and preparing ourselves for the Messianic redemption which is dependent on our service.
- (Back to text) Indeed, because Lag BaOmer is connected with weddings, in deference to the weddings being celebrated, this address will be limited.