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Table of Contents

Motzoei Shabbos Parshas Tzav

Tzivos Hashem

Acharon Shel Pesach

Shabbos Parshas Shemini

Pesach Sheni

Lag B'omer - At Parade

Shabbos Parshas Behar-Bechukosai

Convention of N'shei uBnos Chabad

Shabbos Parshas Bemidbar

Erev Shavuos, 5743

2nd Day Of Shavuos

Shabbos Parshas Nasso

Tzivos Hashem

   11th Day Of Sivan, 5743

Eve Of The 12th Day Of Sivan, 5743

Shabbos Parshas Shelach

Graduates Of Bais Rivkah

Shabbos Parshas Chukas,

12th Day Of Tammuz, 5743

Shabbos Parshas Balak

17th Day Of Tammuz, 5743

Shabbos Parshas Mattos-Massai

15th Day Of Menachem Av, 5743

Shabbos Parshas Eikev

Shabbos Parshas Re'ey

Day Camps

Shabbos Parshas Savo

Gan Yisroel & Emunah Camps

N'shei uBnos Chabad

Shabbos Parshas Nitzavim-Vayeilech

Erev Rosh Hashanah, 5743

Sichos In English
Volume 17

Tzivos Hashem
11th Day Of Sivan, 5743
Published and copyright © by Sichos In English
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  9th Day Of Sivan, 5743Eve Of The 12th Day Of Sivan, 5743  


We have all gathered together, young and old, on an "auspicious day," one of the "days of compensation" of the festival of Shavuos. In these days a Jew can rectify, complete, and increase in all the good resolutions undertaken on Shavuos -- and such that it leaves an effect on the entire year (until the next Shavuos). And when Jews gather in these days to undertake good resolutions together, the resolutions are undertaken with special strength -- together with extra blessings from G-d for their successful implementation. Because they are resolutions associated with Shavuos, the "Season of the Giving of the Torah," the above comes to realization first and foremost in Torah study, which in turn leads to the fulfillment of mitzvos.

This applies particularly to the members of Tzivos Hashem, for they have an especially important role in Mattan Torah. Our Sages explain that the Torah was given to the Jewish people only after the Jews swore "our children are our guarantors," meaning the children are the guarantors that the Jewish people will observe Torah and mitzvos. Only then was the Torah given to Moshe Rabbeinu, Aharon, the seventy elders and all Jewry at Mount Sinai, including all Jewish souls of all generations.

Thus each of you children have the great merit and responsibility to carry out the "guarantee" given to and accepted by G-d in the name of all Jewish children of all generations -- that they will go in the path of Judaism, Torah and mitzvos.

This is particularly so, now, in the time period following the "rally" of Tzivos Hashem. In an army, a "rally" of all the soldiers is held every so often, when the Commander-In-Chief (which in Tzivos Hashem is G-d) is present and receives all the soldiers. Such a "rally" was held on the "Season of the Giving of the Torah," for you surely were then in a synagogue and heard the Ten Commandments, -- "G-d spoke these words" -- which is the "order of the day" from the Commander-In-Chief telling how each Jew, especially children, must behave in daily life. That is, the "order of the day" was given on Shavuos as a beginning, with the intention that it be implemented the entire year, in a manner appropriate to members of Tzivos Hashem.

Tzivos Hashem is different than other armies. In the latter, the soldiers and the Commander-In-Chief live in different quarters. In Tzivos Hashem, G-d is together with each soldier -- "G-d stands over him... and searches mind and heart if he is serving Him properly." Thus, the idea that G-d is with every Jew applies not just on the "Season of the Giving of the Torah" (although it is emphasized then), but the entire year.

Consonant with the command, "you shall love your fellow as yourself" -- which is a "great precept in the Torah," each of you will surely do everything possible to ensure that each Jewish child becomes a soldier in Tzivos Hashem, and to influence your older brothers and sisters (past Bar/Bas Mitzvah), parents, and other Jews, to behave as befits a Jew. And we have G-d's promise that if one tries, G-d helps him or her to be successful.

Through the above, Tzivos Hashem are greatly victorious in the war against the Yetzer (Evil Inclination), totally vanquishing him so that he will not attempt to interfere with your living a Jewish life. For when he sees that you heard "all these words" from G-d, and have undertaken upon yourselves to live according to G-d's wishes and G-d is with you and helps you fulfill it -- the yetzer not only knows he cannot do anything, but also begins to help in Torah study and fulfillment of mitzvos.


This gathering is being held on the eleventh of Sivan. The Baal Shem Tov taught that everything has a purpose, and everything you children encounter can provide a lesson in fulfilling your task in the right way. Thus there is a lesson to be learned from today's date, the 11th of Sivan.

That lesson comes from the portion of Tehillim recited today, which begins with Psalm 60 -- in which there is also an allusion to the Jewish people, who number 60 myriads (600,000).

The yetzer tries to confuse a Jew by telling him: Jews are a minority among the nations of the world. How then can Tzivos Hashem expect to fulfill their mission properly?

The answer to this comes from the 60th psalm, which states (verse 6) "You gave those who fear You a banner to raise on high." G-d has given those who fear Him a banner to wave in all directions, and to show all the nations that they belong to the banner of G-d. Moreover, banner in Hebrew is "nes," which also means "miracle." Thus this verse also says that G-d gives every Jew the strength to conduct himself in a miraculous fashion, transcending nature.

The psalm continues: "So that Your beloved ones may be released -- save with Your right hand and answer me." Every one of you (by behaving appropriately) is G-d's "beloved one," and therefore G-d stretches out His right hand to you and answers all your requests, and gives all your needs from His full, open, holy and ample hand.

Through conduct in the manner of hoisting high the banner -- showing everyone one holds on to G-d's banner, and transcends all limits -- one transforms the world into a dwelling place for G-d.


[The following was said by the Rebbe in Russian].

Jewish children who live in countries where they cannot participate in such gatherings as these, and yet, with great self-sacrifice, learn Torah and fulfill mitzvos, merit a special blessing from G-d for great success in their Torah study and fulfillment of mitzvos. This is particularly so in the period of the "Season of the Giving of our Torah," when the Torah is given anew, and these children show anew their dedication to Torah and mitzvos.

They merit a special blessing -- "save with Your right hand and answer me." G-d aids each of them, and their parents, to successfully influence their home and family to live a life commensurate with the Torah's directive -- and with new enthusiasm, derived from receiving the Torah afresh on Shavuos.

They must therefore be constantly reminded of the great task, merit, and responsibility given to every Jewish boy and girl -- that they are the "guarantors" for Jewry's fulfillment of Torah and mitzvos.

This depends on every boy and girl who does his or her utmost to learn more, and perform an extra mitzvah -- beginning with using one's money not for personal pleasure but to fulfill the mitzvah of tzedakah.

This is in perfect accord with the Soviet Constitution, and with the United Nations Charter signed by Russia -- which guarantees religious freedom. No one is permitted to interfere with Torah study and performance of mitzvos, in the house or synagogue, or to prevent one from speaking to friends about Mattan Torah. Moreover if someone does try to interfere, it is the duty of the Soviet police to stop this interference.

May it be G-d's will that all these actions bring an increase in G-d's blessings to all of them, and to their relatives and friends whom they try to influence to observe Torah and mitzvos. And because G-d holds the Torah study and mitzvos of Jewish children in those countries as most precious -- for they do them with enthusiasm despite all difficulties -- it hastens the exodus of all Jews from exile, headed by these self-same children, in the full and complete redemption through our righteous Moshiach, speedily in our times.

  9th Day Of Sivan, 5743Eve Of The 12th Day Of Sivan, 5743  
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