[747] are no doubt aware of our custom to affix the
mezuzos immediately upon moving into the house, needless to say without a blessing. Thirty days later, however, one of them is removed for examination, and this of course may be replaced by a better one. One now recites the blessing as one affixes the new
mezuzah, having in mind those already in position on the other doorways.[...]
"A mezuzah should be fixed on the right, as one faces[748] the room into which the door swings.[749] This rule does not apply to the front door; [i.e., irrespective of the above, the mezuzah is always on one's right as one enters the house]."

- (Back to text) From a letter of the Rebbe Shlita [reprinted in his Igrois Koidesh, Vol. X, p. 218].
- (Back to text) ["As one faces the room into which the door swings": In the original, this direction is called al pi hiker tzir (lit., "as one sees the hinge").]
- (Back to text) "This applies even to the sole doorway to a balcony - as was the case in the residence of my revered father-in-law, the [Previous] Rebbe - in accordance with his ruling." (Note of the Rebbe Shlita.)