[741] is true that in the halachic literature the question of
Chinuch HaBayis [lit., 'dedication of the house'] is a subject for debate. See, for example, the
Acharonim [i.e., the halachic authorities of the later generations] on the
Shulchan Aruch, Orach Chayim, sec. 568;
Magen Avraham, ibid., sec. 105, and likewise
Yad Ephraim; note also the Responsa of the
Chasam Sofer on
Yoreh Deah, sec. 138, and
Toras HaShelamim, loc. cit. Nevertheless, since it is a Jewish custom, and since, moreover, in one of his
maamarim the Alter Rebbe explains 'why people hold a festive meal and rejoice at a
Chanukas HaBayis' (ms. book
[742] of R. Pinchas of Shklov), this practice should be observed. [Inviting friends to one's new home to celebrate at] a chassidic
farbrengen, at which Torah thoughts and
Chassidus are expounded, will be beneficial both materially and spiritually."

- (Back to text) From a letter of the Rebbe Shlita [reprinted in his Igrois Koidesh, Vol. X, p. 218].
- (Back to text) Since published under the title, Maamarei Admur HaZaken - Hanachos R. Pinchas (zal).