The Rebbe Rashab - R. Shalom DovBer Schneersohn, of sainted memory, the fifth of the Rebbeim of
Chabad - was born at 9.00 a.m. on the second day of the week in which
Parshas Chayei Sarah is read, on the twentieth of MarCheshvan in the year 5621 (1860). (Transposing these four letters, [his grandfather] the
Tzemach Tzedek used to refer to this year as
shnas kisra - (Heb./Aram.:) "the year of the crown.")
The Rebbe Rashab bore the mantle of leadership from the year 5643 (1882) until [his passing on the second of Nissan in] the year 5680 (1920).
On his birthday every year he would deliver a maamar. This was done privately, except when it occurred on Shabbos, [when in any case his chassidim would expect to hear a maamar].

- (Back to text) See Chanoch LaNaar, p. 6; see also HaYom Yom, p. 106, and the introductory genealogy there, p. A15. For more detailed documentation see the Biographical Outline and the Bibliographical Index in Chanoch LaNaar, both compiled by the Rebbe Shlita. [See also Sefer HaToldos of the Rebbe Rashab, compiled by R. Avraham Chanoch Glitzenstein; Heb.]