The sixth of Sivan is the
yahrzeit of R. Yisrael Baal Shem Tov, founder and first leader of the general chassidic movement from the year 5494 (1734) until his passing on Wednesday, the first day of Shavuos,
[333] 5520 (1760). His resting place is in Mezhibuzh.
In allusion to the day of his passing, the Alter Rebbe once quoted a phrase from Rashi in a figurative sense: "On the fourth day of the week the luminaries were taken away."[334]

- (Back to text) "According to the law the burial would have taken place on the second day of Shavuos, though I have not yet encountered any record of what in fact took place. Asked about this, the Rebbe Rashab once commented that 'this point had been discussed in Lubavitch long ago.' " (From a talk and note of the Rebbe Shlita in Likkutei Sichos, Vol. IV, p. 1031; see there at length.)
- (Back to text) [The background to this allusion (cf. Rashi on Bereishis 1:14 and on Tractate Taanis 27b) is explained in the English translation of Likkutei Dibburim, Vol. I, pp. 74-75 and 98-99.]