Cf. Siddur, p. 50ff.
After Kedushah (p. 52), one remains standing as at attention until after the sheliach tzibbur has said ha'E-l hakadosh.[92]
Common practice notwithstanding, the sheliach tzibbur should recite modim (p. 58) no more quietly than the rest of the repetition of Shemoneh Esreh.[93]
When reading the first verse of Birkas Kohanim (p. 60), the sheliach tzibbur inclines his head as follows:
- he bows to the right when saying y'varechicha;
- he faces right, but with head erect, when saying Hashem; and
- he bows forward when saying v'yishmirecha.
When reading the second verse:
- he bows to the left when saying ya'eir;
- he faces left, but with head erect, when saying Hashem;
- he bows to the left when saying panav;
- likewise for eilecha; and
- he bows forward when saying viychunekah.
When reading the third verse:
- he bows forward when saying yisa;
- he faces ahead, but with head erect, when saying Hashem;
- he bows forward when saying panav;
- likewise for eilecha;
- he bows to the right when saying v'yaseim;
- he bows to the left when saying l'cha; and
- he bows his head forward when saying shalom.[94]
After each of the above three verses the congregation answers
During these blessings, it was the custom of the Rebbeim to face the sheliach tzibbur.[96]
After[97] Shemoneh Esreh at Shacharis and Minchah one recites Vidui, the Confession (p. 61). For Tachanun[98] and Nefilas Apayim one says Psalm 25 (p. 62), preceded by the verse that begins rachum v'chanun, and followed[99] by the verse that begins v'hu yifdeh. The paragraph beginning E-l erech apayim (p. 69) [which is usually read on Mondays and Thursdays] is omitted[100] on Rosh Chodesh, Chanukah, Purim and Shushan Purim, on the two days of Purim Katan (in a leap year), on the day before Pesach and on the Ninth of Av [as well as on all other days when Tachanun is not said].

- (Back to text) [In Hebrew, birkas kohanim; alternatively, nesias kapayim (lit., "the raising of the hands").]
- (Back to text) From a letter of the Rebbe Shlita: "The source for the above is Eliyah Rabbah, end of sec. 95 (and regarding speaking at this time see also the view of Maharil, cited in Darchei Moshe and Eliyah Rabbah at the end of sec. 125)."
The permissibility of speaking at this time is also discussed in the Alter Rebbe's Shulchan Aruch 125:2.
- (Back to text) Note by R. Eliyahu Simpson.
- (Back to text) Sefer HaMaamarim 5708, p. 147; Magen Avraham 127:3, and the Acharonim ad loc.
- (Back to text) The Alter Rebbe's Siddur; Shaar HaKollel 9:1; Mishmeres Shalom (by the Rebbe of Kaidinov), ch. 28, and its second recension, loc. cit.; Darchei Chayim VeShalom, sec. 179, and the Gloss there.
- (Back to text) Note by R. Eliyahu Simpson.
- (Back to text) The Alter Rebbe's Siddur.
- (Back to text) This is the wording in Siddur HaAriZal too; see also the Alter Rebbe's Shulchan Aruch, ch. 131, end of sec. 1.
- (Back to text) Shaar HaKollel 11:8.
- (Back to text) See sec. 131:9 of Appendix to Vol. I of the Alter Rebbe's Shulchan Aruch by R. Nechemiah of Dubrovna (author of Divrei Nechemiah).