| Seek Out The Welfare of Jerusalem Analytical Studies by the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson of the Rambam's rulings concerning the construction and the design of the Beis HaMikdash
Suggested Learning Schedule During 17 Tammuz - 15 Menachem Av
by Rabbi Eliyahu Touger
Published and copyright © by Sichos In English (718) 778-5436 • info@SichosInEnglish.org • FAX (718) 735-4139
 According to the suggestion and directives of the Rebbe, we study all about the Beis Hamikdash - The Holy Temple - which we pray it be rebuilt speedily - during the days 17 Tammuz - 15 Menachem Av.
Accordingly we are providing you with the text of the book - Seek Out The Welfare Of Jerusalem.
Introduction and a synopsis of the Laws of the Holy Temple
17 Tammuz | July 7, 2012 | Table of Contents |
18 Tammuz | July 8, 2012 | Glossary for this Book - Seek out the Welfare of Jerusalem |
19 Tammuz | July 9, 2012 | Publisher's Foreword |
20 Tammuz | July 10, 2012 | How We Can Build the Beis HaMikdash |
21 Tammuz | July 11, 2012 | Towards the Complete Fulfillment of a Mitzvah |
22 Tammuz | July 12, 2012 | G-d's Chosen House |
23 Tammuz | July 13, 2012 | The Purpose of Building the Beis HaMikdash |
24 Tammuz | July 14, 2012 | The Beis HaMikdash and its Utensils |
25 Tammuz | July 15, 2012 | The High Priest's Chamber |
26 Tammuz | July 16, 2012 | A Blemish In A Stone, A Mar For G-d's Chosen House |
27 Tammuz | July 17, 2012 | The Uniqueness of the Altar's Site |
28 Tammuz | July 18, 2012 | The Site of the Altar: Revered Throughout History |
29 Tammuz | July 19, 2012 | Embossing the Ornaments of the Menorah |
1 Av | July 20, 2012 | The Design of the Menorah |
2 Av | July 21, 2012 | A Buried Treasure: The Entombment Of The Ark |
3 Av | July 22, 2012 | What were the Urim VeTumim? |
4 Av | July 23, 2012 | The Need For Transition |
5 Av | July 24, 2012 | A Guardrail For The Roof Of The Beis HaMikdash |
6 Av | July 25, 2012 | The Number Of Gates To The Courtyard Of The Beis HaMikdash |
7 Av | July 26, 2012 | Mirroring Spiritual Reality |
8 Av | July 27, 2012 | Eretz Yisrael, Our People's Eternal Heritage |
9 Av | July 28, 2012 | The Interrelation of the Levels of Holiness |
10 Av | July 29, 2012 | Guarding the Beis HaMikdash |
11 Av | July 30, 2012 | Guarding the Site of the Beis HaMikdash in the Present Era |
12 Av | July 31, 2012 | The Ultimate Token of Esteem |
13 Av | August 1, 2012 | Who Will Build the Third Beis HaMikdash, Man or G-d? |
14 Av | August 2, 2012 | A Dwelling For G-d In Our World |
15 Av | August 3, 2012 | The Ultimate Dwelling For G-d's Presence |