Laser technology is now being harnessed in many varied applications. Until recently, directing a ray of light or heat over a distance was impossible, because the ray becomes diffused as it travels from its source. Its greatest intensity exists at its point of origin, and diminishes proportionately as the rays spread.
Laser beams, however, do not diffuse; in a vacuum, they remain as intense over long distances as they are at their source. The photons in a laser beam all move in the same direction, so they can be precisely focused. This focus concentrates enormous energies on a tiny spot, allowing "mere" light to vaporize even steel.
Maintaining direction without deviation, and the ability to focus one's concentration, are factors which also determine spiritual penetration. The realms of Torah, mitzvos and prayer provide a coherent direction for a Jew. When he channels himself in the direction that Torah establishes for him, then "even a wall of iron does not separate him from G-d."[20] He can even reach others and influence them to live a life of Torah.
Sichos Kodesh of the Rebbe, Chanukah 5730

- (Back to text) Pesachim 85b.