In the early days of printing, until relatively recently, groupings of letters were accumulated on plates, and if the groupings were incorrect, the only solution was to destroy the plates. Later, with the invention of linotype, technical innovation enabled a printer to take sequences of letters and transpose them into new combinations, without destroying the previous work.
According to the writings of the Kabbalah, everything that exists draws its life from the 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet. From the various combinations of these letters, in the "ten sayings by which the world was created"[13] recorded in Genesis, we can find the source of every aspect of creation, both positive and the negative.
In previous generations, often the only answer to negativity was "to destroy the plates." However, in recent times, since the revelation of the Baal Shem Tov, the innovations of Chassidus have given us a way to "rearrange the letters," converting evil into good. Since the true essence of everything is holiness, in our service to G-d we can also reveal the good which exists within the negative, and transform it to holiness as well - this being its ultimate purpose.
Sichos Kodesh, Shabbos Parshas Matos-Masei, 5713

- (Back to text) Pirkei Avos 5:1.