The history and biography of the chassid Reb Meir Mordechai Czernin really deserve a separate article of their own. Among the stories that he told over a period of many years, some deal with his own history at various stages of his life.
At the age of sixteen, he returned to his home in Borisov from the yeshivah in Minsk. The melamed Reb Shmuel Dov Ber - known as "Rashdam" - sent for him and delivered to him a note that his father had written several days before his death. This is the text of the note:
I am about to depart on the journey we all must make. I remind you - Shmuel Dov - of your faithful promise. When my son Meir Mordechai grows up, please repay your debt to me. Teach him Chassidus and show him how to follow the chassidic way of life, as I taught it to you and showed it to you. You - my son Meir Mordechai - when you begin studying Chassidus, come to visit my grave and tell me about it.
The chassid Reb Meir Mordechai cherished and treasured this note, even in his old age. Referring to this note, the saintly Rebbe Maharash once said: "In these few lines we see a reflection of the radiant personality of a chassidic teacher and mentor."
Reb Meir Mordechai lived through several eras of history. When he passed away, he was remembered with honor in the city of Vitebsk, where he was laid to rest.

- (Back to text) From HaTamim, Issue No. 7, pp. 102-108; 12-13 Tammuz 5697. Appeared as a footnote to the story of "Typical Chassidic Businessmen".