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I Will Write It In Their Hearts - Volume 5 A Treasury of Letters from the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson Selections from Igros Kodesh Explanation of the statement in the series of maamarim entitled Basi LeGani that "the treasure-stores are distributed [specifically] through the officers…, but the inner intent is that [they reach] the ordinary soldiers through whom the victory will actually come"; the need for each person to act as both an officer and an ordinary soldier Translated by: Rabbi Eli Touger Published and copyright © by Sichos In English (718) 778-5436 • • FAX (718) 735-4139
No. 574
The text of this letter was sent to various individuals, personally addressed to each one.B"H, Adar 25, 5710Greetings and blessings,
Enclosed is the kuntres for Beis Nissan that is approaching for the good. It should be shared with people at large [as] you undoubtedly did with the kuntres for Purim that was sent previously. The merit of the many is [thus] dependent on you.
[This follows] the pattern described in the maamar, ch. 19,[290] that "the treasure-stores are distributed [specifically] through the officers and the officials, but the inner intent is that [they reach] the ordinary soldiers through whom the victory will actually come."
With regard to our present situation, not only must the officer convey the treasures to the soldiers, he himself can and must act as a simple soldier.
For the analogy [of the maamar] speaks of two separate people. Moreover, different types of people are mentioned: an officer (who is fit for his position due to his own character) and an official (who was raised to his position because of an appointment) in contrast to a simple soldier.
In the analogy, however, based on the statements in ch. 20, it is possible that one person may [fill the role of] an officer, an official, and a simple soldier. Moreover, it is a necessity that every member of the Jewish people, man and woman, ultimately reach [a point where he expresses] both qualities simultaneously: those of an officer and an official (i.e., understanding and self-expression), and those of a simple soldier (kabbalas ol and bittul), as explained in several sources.
A person should not say: "How is such a thing possible! It involves combining two opposites as one!"
For just as with regard to the Creator, "In the place of His greatness, there you find His humility,"[291] so, too, with regard to a created being, there is an established ruling that in the place of the greatest majesty (i.e., with regard to a king) and indeed, in direct proportion to his majesty, he must exhibit the ultimate of bittul. As Rambam states (Hilchos Melachim 2:6): "Just as the Torah has granted [the king] great honor and has obligated everyone to revere him, so, too, has it commanded him to be lowly and empty at heart." And our Sages state (Berachos 34a): "[During the Shemoneh Esreh,] an ordinary person should bow down at the beginning and at the end. The High Priest should bow down at the beginning of every blessing, and once the king bows, he should not stand erect again."
In actual fact, as obvious even to eyes of flesh, this [approach] could be observed on the part of the chassidic Rebbeim, from the Baal Shem Tov and the Alter Rebbe — the founders of Chassidus as a whole and Chassidus Chabad —and [their spiritual heirs,] those who spread these teachings and serve as leaders within the Jewish community. Together with these [leadership positions], they perform deeds of kindness with their financial resources, their persons, and their souls for simple people. [This approach is also personified] by the leader of our generation, my revered father-in-law, the Rebbe, hk"m, who spread the wellsprings of the teachings of Chassidus outward with greater strength and greater intensity, and took an interest and occupied himself with the welfare of even those of the lowest stature within Israel.
[The Rebbeim] commanded and sought that their conduct be emulated by everyone — men and women — who shares a connection to them: that they serve as an officer and an official, being involved in the teachings of Chassidus and their dissemination, and influencing those in their surroundings to strengthen the Torah and Judaism. Together with this, [every one of the followers of the Rebbeim] should serve as simple soldiers, men of action displaying kabbalas ol in concrete deed.
On Beis Nissan, the Yom HaHilula[292] of the Rebbe Rashab and the day on which my revered father-in-law, the Rebbe, hk"m, entered his position of leadership, is an appropriate time for everyone, man and woman, to accept upon himself to "follow the paths in which he instructed us,"[293] making lasting resolutions that will continue throughout the entire year. And according to both the written and oral promises [of the Rebbeim], this will serve as a medium to receive their blessings in both material and spiritual matters.
M. Schneerson
Your letter of 9 Adar[294] reached me and I fulfilled your request to read the list of the students, [your report of] the practices [observed on] the sheloshim,[295] and the pan while I was at the gravesite. As you requested,[296] the list of the students remained with me.
Concluding with wishes for a kosher Pesach festival for you and for all the fellowship.
- (Back to text) [Sefer HaMaamarim 5710, p. 154.]
- (Back to text) [See Megillah 31a.]
- (Back to text) [The commemoration of the passing; see the notes to the previous letter.]
- (Back to text) [The Rebbe is borrowing the wording used by the Alter Rebbe in Tanya, Iggeres HaKodesh, Epistle 27.]
- (Back to text) [This additional note was sent to R. Shlomo Chayim Kesselman, the mashpia, spiritual mentor of the Lubavitch yeshivah in Tel Aviv. R. Shlomo Chayim had sent the Rebbe a list of the students of the yeshivah and had asked that the Rebbe read the names at the gravesite of the Rebbe Rayatz and afterwards, the list "should remain placed on his holy table... for [the Rebbe] knows how to generate the spiritual influences for the work to continue." In reply, the Rebbe answered as above.]
- (Back to text) [The thirtieth day after a person's passing which marks the conclusion of one phase of the mourning period.]
- (Back to text) [See note 5 and note the interpretation the Rebbe gave to R. Shlomo Chayim's request.]
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