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I Will Write It In Their Hearts - Volume 4 A Treasury of Letters from the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson Selections from Igros Kodesh The need to proceed with our spiritual tasks without rationalizing our failures Translated by: Rabbi Eli Touger Published and copyright © by Sichos In English (718) 778-5436 • • FAX (718) 735-4139
No. 446
This letter was sent to Rabbi Ben Tzion Shemtov, one of the active members of the chassidic brotherhood.B"H, 15 Shvat, 5709Greetings and blessings,
A letter was finally received from you (from 4 Shvat). Since you did not write how long you will be staying in Paris, I am sending my response there.
i) Why do you offer me excuses concerning all the matters that are not as they should be? Your work and my work is not our own. Instead, it is fundamentally G-d’s work, as our Sages state in the Mishnah at the conclusion of tractate Kiddushin: “I was created solely to serve my Creator.” ([This statement is] explained according to Chassidus at the conclusion of the second maamar entitled VeSamti Kadkod in Likkutei Torah. It is self-evident that this does not represent a contradiction to the statements in the beginning of the maamar entitled Taamah in the enclosed kuntreis.) As such, of what benefit will it be if I accept your excuses? For our Sages have taught:[211] “The day is short, the task is great, and the Employer is pressing.”
- Enclosed is a kuntreis for Yud/Yud-Gimmel Shvat, which you will no doubt make available to people at large.
- The letter that you mention from my revered father-in-law, the Rebbe Shlita, from the year 5670, is not in my possession. Hence, I do not know to what you are referring. There are at least two points in which I do not agree with what you write:
I do not want to elaborate, since presently you are not in the place of your fundamental mission. I will make use of a lead [pencil],[212] but you will forget about the matter by the time you get back to England. May it be G-d’s will that from this time onward, there will be no need for rebuke and the like and you will serve G-d with happiness[213] continually, throughout the day.
ii) Why do you continually postpone the enhancement of your work? What will be with the days that pass and will never return? “[A fixed number of] days have been created”[214] and “[Man has] a fixed time [upon the earth].”[215]
As above, I am only writing now with extreme brevity and with a hint for the wise.[216]
Awaiting favorable tidings about action which is of supreme importance; with good wishes to all those who seek our welfare,
- Since you are presently staying in Paris, that no doubt relates to your identity as the Rebbe’s emissary. I am enclosing a copy of a letter[217] that I wrote to someone there concerning nifneh[218] in Paris and its surroundings because I remember that you would always find commendable things to say about work that was performed and work that was not performed.[219]
Rabbi Menachem Schneerson![]()
- (Back to text) [Avos 2:15.]
- (Back to text) [I.e., to write you this letter.]
- (Back to text) [Cf. Tehillim 100:2.]
- (Back to text) [Ibid. 139:16.]
- (Back to text) [Cf. Iyov 7:1.]
- (Back to text) [Cf. Zohar I, p. 26a, et al., which implies that for the wise, a hint is sufficient.]
- (Back to text) [See Letter No. 445.]
- (Back to text) [The chassidic code for maamad, money given to the Rebbe by chassidim to support his household needs and distribute to others at his discretion.]
- (Back to text) [I.e., the Rebbe is chiding Reb Ben Tzion for defending the lack of activity on the part of his fellow chassidim.]
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