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I Will Write It In Their Hearts - Volume 2 Letters from the Lubavitcher Rebbe Why the Torah mentions the Exodus in the Ten Commandments rather than the creation; the parallel in our Divine service, that changing an existing character trait is more difficult than adopting a new one Translated by: Rabbi Eli Touger Published and copyright © by Sichos In English (718) 778-5436 • • FAX (718) 735-4139
No. 189
This letter is addressed to Mr. Alexander Cohen.B"H, 4 Sivan, 5705Greetings and blessings,
You are certainly aware that our friend Mr. Stulman sent a check for Merkos L'Inyonei Chinuch. I would like to take this opportunity to again express our heartfelt thanks for your efforts, trouble, and work in this matter in the past, present, and also, we hope in the future. The fundamental yasher koach comes to you from the work itself which is achieved and can continue through this donation.
The first of the Ten Commandments communicated at the time of the Giving of the Torah states:[187] "I am G-d, your L-rd, who took you out of the land of Egypt." The commentaries (e.g., Ibn Ezra) ask: Why doesn't the Torah mention an even greater feat, the creation of heaven and earth? Moreover, not only is the creation of heaven and earth a greater achievement, it is relevant to all generations. The Exodus from Egypt, by contrast, was witnessed only by that generation and was important primarily to them.
Chassidus answers [this question] as follows: The creation is a yesh [a material entity]. Making [such] an entity from absolute nothingness was accomplished by the ray of G-dliness that relates to the worlds. The Exodus from Egypt, by contrast, was possible only through "signs and wonders" (Devarim 4:34), i.e., removing that yesh from the [logical] principles and limitations [which govern] the creation. {This is hinted at by the Hebrew term Yetzias Mitzrayim ("the Exodus from Egypt"). For Mitzrayim, Egypt, shares the root of the word meitzarim, meaning "boundaries and limitations" as in Eichah 1:3.} This requires a much higher revelation of G-dliness. Therefore, the Exodus is mentioned in connection with the Giving of the Torah, which transcends the limitations of creation.
We find, to make a distinction, a similar pattern with regard to human conduct. Teaching - either oneself or a colleague - to adopt a new positive behavioral pattern is comparatively easy [when compared to changing and] remaking [one's] principles. The latter involves going out of the norms that one has established for oneself and which have shown themselves to be valid with regard to one's personal matters, although they create difficulties in a particular situation. This involves an exodus from one's boundaries and limitations. And it is much more difficult.
In this, I hope, my dear Mr. Kavven,[188] you will help Mr. Stulman step beyond his limitations and governing principles and accept in a complete manner the directives from my revered father-in-law, the Rebbe Shlita. Certainly, as has been the pattern until now, you will have success in this endeavor.
With good wishes and with holiday blessings,
Rabbi Menachem SchneersonExecutive DirectorP.S. Enclosed is:
- a copy of my letter to Mr. Stulman,[189]
- a supplementary statement from our accountant,
- the publications Shaloh and Shavuos.
- (Back to text) . Shmos 20:2.
- (Back to text) [Mr. Cohen to whom this letter is addressed also went by the name Elchonan Kavven.]
- (Back to text) [See Letter No. 168.]
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