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I Will Write It In Their Hearts - Volume 2 Letters from the Lubavitcher Rebbe An explanation of our Sages' statement: "The world from which we depart is like a wedding feast" Translated by: Rabbi Eli Touger Published and copyright © by Sichos In English (718) 778-5436 � � FAX (718) 735-4139
No. 158
This letter was addressed to Rav Yitzchak HaKohen Hendel on the occasion of his wedding.B"H, Tuesday, 29 Sivan, 5704, BrooklynGreetings and blessings,
In response to the invitation to your wedding, may it take place in a good and auspicious hour, I am sending my blessings of Mazel Tov, Mazel Tov. May you build a house in Israel on the foundations and the inner dimensions of the Torah and its mitzvos.
As is well known, our Sages state (Eruvin 54a): "The world from which we depart is like a wedding feast." As explained in Chassidus (Or HaTorah from the Tzemach Tzedek, the conclusion of the maamar entitled VaYomar Yonason, p. 24b), the descent of the soul into this world resembles a wedding. For [just as a wedding reveals] an infinite dimension;[79] so, too, in this world, the soul becomes "one who proceeds,"[80] [to make immeasurable progress,] as indicated by the expression, "from which we depart." Its [Divine service on this plane enables it to] attain an unbounded quality, [ loving G-d] "with all your might."
There are several modes in the expression of this wedding: i.e., the Divine service of a Jewish person in this world. In general, there are [two] divisions (each one of which also subdivides): a) Divine service with one's own self, where there are those who serve G-d with their bodies and others who serve with their souls, and b) service in the world at large, where there are Torah scholars and those involved in commercial activities.
It is possible to say that this is alluded to in our Sages' statement (the conclusion of tractate Kiddushin): "It is impossible for the world to exist without a perfumer (who sells fragrance, a substance that gratifies the soul - Berachos 43b) and without a leather craftsman ([who tans] hides for the body and the animal soul)."
Our Sages conclude (loc. cit.): "Happy is he whose profession is a perfumer." Among the Jewish people at large, this refers to the tribe of Levi who (Rambam, Mishneh Torah, the conclusion of Hilchos Shemitah VeYoveil) "were set aside to serve G-d and minister unto Him, informing people at large of His just and righteous ways.� Therefore they were set aside from worldly matters�..They are G-d's legion."
How much more so does it apply to a priest who (as Rambam, loc. cit., continues) "was prompted by the generosity of his spirit and enlightened by his knowledge to separate himself and stand before G-d to minister unto Him and serve Him.... He is sanctified as holy of holies. G-d will be his portion�. and will provide him with his necessities in this world."
With blessings of mazal tov; "Immediately to teshuvah; immediately to Redemption,"
Rabbi Menachem Schneerson![]()
- (Back to text) [For the potential to bear children is possible only through G-d's infinite power.]
- (Back to text) [See the explanation in Chassidus of the verse (Zechariah 3:7): "I will make you one who proceeds among these [angels] who are standing."]
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