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I Will Write It In Their Hearts - Volume 1 Letters from the Lubavitcher Rebbe Chanukah lights illuminating darkness Translated by: Rabbi Eli Touger Published and copyright © by Sichos In English (718) 778-5436 • • FAX (718) 735-4139
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No. 121
This letter was written to Rabbi Shmuel Dov Ganeles.Wednesday, 2 Teves, 5704Greetings and blessings,Our friend, the distinguished Rabbi Dovber Chaskin, conveyed your gift of $50 for Keren Sholom, the fund designated for publishing the works of the Rebbe Rashab, o.b.m.
On behalf of Kehot Publications and on behalf of all those who will merit to study these texts and illuminate their souls with their light, I would like to tell you:
Yasher koach; may the merit of the many forever stand you in its stead that you be blessed with all types of good and that in the future you [continue to] merit to take part in the publication and dissemination of the teachings of our holy Rebbeim among the widest spheres of the Jewish people.
These days of Chanukah are characterized by the theme of publicizing the miracle. [In this, the scope of] Chanukah extends beyond that of Purim. For [with regard to Chanukah,] [the miracle] must be publicized "at the entrance to one's house, [shining] outward,"[1] and "after sunset."1 [To make this possible,] it is understood that there must be a ray from a higher source, as explained at length in the Chanukah maamarim.
The analogue in the human sphere is Divine service in the era of exile which is described with the analogy of night, for then G-dliness is hidden and then the light of "the sun and [its] shield is G-d, the L-rd"[2] does not shine in an overt manner. The ultimate intent of the exile is not that it serve as punishment, but that it lead to the refinement and purification [of the Jewish people and the world] so that they are fit to receive the revelations of Mashiach. As sec. 5 of the maamar entitled Kol Dodi in Torah Or states: "The ultimate purpose of the descent and the exile is that it is necessary for the great ascent when G-d's light will shine in profuse revelation in the era of Mashiach." This concept is also found in other maamarim. During the exile, we must prepare the medium for this revelation.
This concept is also reflected in the Baal Shem Tov's question of Mashiach: "When are you coming?", and in Mashiach's reply: "When the wellsprings of your [teachings] spread outward." For the light of the teachings of Chassidus is the medium for the revelation of Mashiach. When the medium is complete, the light will be revealed.
The condition for this is that the wellsprings spread outward, even to those concerning whom it is not evident that they sense they are in G-d's private domain.... (This parallels the Chanukah lights concerning which the commandment is that they shine outward.) See Sichas Simchas Torah, 5690, in particular, secs. 32-33, and 53.
With the blessing, "Immediately to teshuvah, immediately to Redemption,"
Rabbi Menachem SchneersonChairman of the Executive Committee
- (Back to text) [Shabbos 21b.]
- (Back to text) [Tehillim 84:12.]
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