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I Will Write It In Their Hearts - Volume 1 Letters from the Lubavitcher Rebbe Publishing the Previous Rebbe's sichos; the significance of the name Shlomo Translated by: Rabbi Eli Touger Published and copyright © by Sichos In English (718) 778-5436 • • FAX (718) 735-4139
No. 89
To R. Shlomo Palmer, an active communal leader in Chicago.B"H, Sunday, 7 Menachem Av, 5703Greetings and blessings,Thank you for your interest in the health of my revered father-in-law, the Rebbe shlita. His health is stable. As obvious, the heat of the present weeks brings about weakness. Unfortunately, he has not been able to travel to the country to rest a little from the heavy load of work that he is burdened with.
Surely, the Healer of all flesh will graciously grant him continuously improving health as is the wish of all our friends and all the members of the Chassidic community.
With thanks, we would like to acknowledge receipt of your check for $112.50 to cover the expenses of printing the sichos of my revered father-in-law, the Rebbe shlita, from the holiday of Pesach. We have received a similar amount from R. Yaakov Katz and therefore we are taking the texts to print. As soon as they are printed, [copies] will be sent to you.
In addition to the thanks, I would like to add the blessing of mazel tov for your merit in taking part in such an important project which will bring merit to the many and enable them to illuminate their souls with the light [of the teachings] of my revered father-in-law, the Rebbe shlita, which will arouse them to Torah, Divine service, and deeds of kindness.
With regard to the events of these days of Menachem Av, our Sages explain the reasons for the destruction of the Beis HaMikdash as follows: The First Beis HaMikdash was destroyed because they "despised the Torah," i.e., although the Jews of that generation occupied themselves with Torah study, they did not regard it as important (Bava Metzia 85b). The Second Beis HaMikdash was destroyed because of the sin of unwarranted hatred (Yoma 9b).
Thus we find that the First Beis HaMikdash - which possessed a complete dimension of holiness, in contrast to the Second Beis HaMikdash which lacked the Holy Ark (Yoma 21b) - was built by King Shlomo[1] who was granted his name because "peace and tranquility will prevail in his days" (I Divrei HaYomim 22:9). [He would establish peace] even with those nations with whom David waged war. This represents the direct opposite of unwarranted hatred.
He taught the people Torah and through practices associated with yiras shemayim, the fear of heaven, he endeavored that the people attach themselves to the Torah, as our Sages relate (Eruvin 21b).[2] This represents the direct opposite of "despising the Torah."
Whenever and wherever a person performs an activity to bring merit to the many - in particular, this applies to an activity that will ultimately lead to the strengthening of the Torah and Yiddishkeit - because of the ahavas Yisrael which he possesses, without thinking of his own self-interest, he brings closer the Redemption and the building of the Beis HaMikdash by Mashiach. [Moreover,] when Mashiach comes, he will also "open solely with peace" (Vayikra Rabbah, the conclusion of ch. 9).
With the blessing "Immediately to teshuvah, immediately to Redemption,"
Rabbi Menachem SchneersonChairman of the Executive Committee
- (Back to text) [The Rebbe emphasized the contribution of Shlomo for that is the name of the person who received the letter.]
- (Back to text) [That passage relates how Shlomo explained the Torah to the people through parables and analogies, and also, how he ordained certain safeguards, e.g., eruvin, to enhance their observance.]
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