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I Will Write It In Their Hearts - Volume 1 Letters from the Lubavitcher Rebbe Soliciting involvement in Machne Israel; the spiritual significance of the half-shekel donation Translated by: Rabbi Eli Touger Published and copyright © by Sichos In English (718) 778-5436 • • FAX (718) 735-4139
No. 66
The printed copy of this letter does not state to whom it was addressed.[12 Adar II, 5703]We have heard good tidings concerning your dedication to all matters concerning Jewish education, and therefore, we have taken the initiative to approach you with this letter.
You have certainly heard about the organization Machne Israel which has been founded by my revered father-in-law, the Rebbe shlita, which with G-d's help has already had a great effect in strengthening Yiddishkeit, [encouraging] the observance of Shabbos, the study of the Torah, taharas hamishpachah, putting on tefillin, and the like.
Machne Israel is also very active in bettering the spiritual situation of Jewish soldiers. Similarly, Machne Israel has founded a society for the study of Mishnayos by heart, dividing up the Mishnah among the members of the society by lot [each person receiving] a certain amount of chapters to study by heart each year so that they will review them whenever possible, while they are walking on their way, while waiting in a store, and while traveling on a train.
We are sending you under separate cover articles explaining the goals and activities of Machne Israel. Certainly, in your locale, there is ample place and opportunity for all the different activities of Machne Israel. We would be happy to receive a response from you telling of your efforts in all the above.
At the time of the holiday of Purim during that era, our Sages (Megillah 13b) explain that it was the shekalim of the Jewish people - i.e., the half-shekalim that would be given every year - that nullified [the influence of] the shekalim that Haman gave to Achashverosh to destroy the Jews.
The half-shekalim were [originally] given to create a foundation for the first Sanctuary for G-d that the Jews possessed, for they were used to make the sockets [that held the beams of] the Sanctuary. Subsequently, the half-shekalim that were given were used to purchase communal offerings. And with regard to both donations, we find the command:[1] "The wealthy should not give more, nor should the poor give less."
To explain: When Haman arose desiring to destroy the Jewish people, the appropriate response was:[2] "Go, collect all the Jews." How could the Jews be united with the appropriate inspiration? By placing a foundation in the Beis HaMikdash in the heart of each and every Jew, [stirring the pintele yid,] the point of the Jewish soul which exists in every Jew, regardless of his affiliation. At this level, all Jews are equal: [both] a person who is rich in his knowledge, and one who is poor and simple. And when the foundation is laid, i.e., when we arouse the point of the Jewish soul, we can build a beautiful Beis HaMikdash; we can see how every Jew is a holy Sanctuary in which G-d rests. All that is necessary is to know how to awaken [this level].
With blessing for a happy Purim; "Immediately to teshuvah, immediately to Redemption."
- (Back to text) [Shmos 30:15.]
- (Back to text) [Esther 4:16.]
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