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I Will Write It In Their Hearts - Volume 1 Letters from the Lubavitcher Rebbe The need for courageous efforts by Jewish women, particularly in the field of Jewish education Translated by: Rabbi Eli Touger Published and copyright © by Sichos In English (718) 778-5436 • • FAX (718) 735-4139
No. 56
This letter was written to Mrs. B. Shifrin and the members of Zembiner Gemilas Chesed Ladies Auxiliary.B"H, [1] Adar II, 5703Greetings and blessings,With great thanks, we would like to acknowledge your contribution of $10 for the Beis Rivkah girls' school on Chester St. which is one of the numerous girls' schools founded by Merkos L'Inyonei Chinuch.
It is our hope that this is not a one-time or a sporadic contribution, but rather the beginning of an ongoing interest and support for the important and holy work of the Beis Rivkah schools, an institution dedicated to the Jewish education of the daughters of our people.
Dear women: In these difficult times for our people, we must remember what transpired in the time of the first Haman who rose up against the Jews. The ones who evoked G-d's help for the Jewish people at that time and caused Haman's downfall were a woman and a man: Esther and Mordechai.
Esther did not focus on the comfort she enjoyed nor the fact that she was not in danger. Instead, she risked her life to try to save her brothers and sisters. But before she tried to nullify Haman's decree, she told Mordechai1: "Go gather together all the Jews," so that they should pray. And our Sages relate that Mordechai collected tens of thousands of Jewish children and studied Torah with them.
In the present time of crisis, when a terrible Haman has risen up against us, [we must know] that this Haman will also have a bitter end, and that "the Jews will enjoy light, happiness, gladness, and honor."[2] Each one of us, however, must work so that this will take place a moment earlier.
Every Jewish woman must come out with a call: "Go, collect." Bring together Jewish children and youth. Educate them in the spirit of self-sacrifice for Yiddishkeit and for the Torah. Women, see to it that the means necessary to support the institutions [for Jewish education] will not be lacking. Make sure that our sons and daughters grow up as Jews, as Torah-true Jews.
This resolution will bring the Hamans of all generations a very speedy downfall.
Dear women: See that your daughters follow your path through receiving a proper Torah education and a proper upbringing. See that the proper institutions have the potential to continue to exist and increase the number of their students so that not one Jewish daughter will be left outside. In the Beis Rivkah schools, Jewish daughters will be educated as Jewish and Torah-true sisters and women, the mothers of the future generation. Therefore, by helping the Beis Rivkah schools, you help us secure [the involvement of] our youth, our future. And in the merit of this, we will merit the downfall of the present day Haman very speedily and enjoy the true light and happiness.
With the blessing "Immediately to teshuvah, immediately to Redemption,"
in the name of Rabbi Menachem Schneerson,Chairman of the Executive CommitteeN. Mindel, Secretary
- (Back to text) [Esther 4:16.]
- (Back to text) Ibid., 8:16.
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