As an organization and as individuals, we at Sichos in English are concerned with life. For this reason, although from
Gimmel Tammuz onward, people had suggested translating
Kuntres HaHishtatchus, the
maamar to follow which focuses on the importance of visiting the grave of a
tzaddik, we hesitated to accept this task. For we did not relate to the Rebbe as a person in a grave, but rather as a source of life and vitality who inspires us in our daily lives.
As, however, chassidim from throughout the world journeyed to the tziyun and experienced a strengthening of their connection with the Rebbe, we felt it important to share the penetrating insights of this text. For although the maamar contains many esoteric points of Kabbalah, its fundamental focus -- the relationship between a chassid and a Rebbe, and the fact that this relationship is not bound by the limits of this material world -- provides us with perspective on what a visit to the tziyun involves.
May the study of this maamar empower us to continue to relate to the Rebbe as a source of life and vitality. And may this spur us to do what is necessary to bring the world to the state of ultimate vitality, the Era of the Redemption, and the Resurrection the dead, with the fulfillment of the prophecy,[1] "And those who repose in the dust will arise and sing."
20 Teves, 5755
Yartzeit of Rambam

- (Back to text) Isaiah 26:19.