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In The Garden Of The Torah
Insights of the Lubavitcher Rebbe Shlita
on the weekly Torah Readings

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  • Breishis (Breishis - 5754)

    1. Publisher's Foreword
    2. "In the beginning"; A Dwelling for G-d Purpose and Its Realization
    3. Where Opposites Meet
    4. Two Beginnings
    5. Partners in Creation

  • Breishis (Noach - 5754)

    1. Publisher's Foreword
    2. Genuine Satisfaction; Noach's Legacy
    3. Our Potential for Achievement
    4. To Be Sensitive to G-d's Cues
    5. Waters of Blessing
    6. Kindness with Purpose
    7. When the Rainbow Will Shine

  • Breishis (Lech Lecha - 5754)

    1. Publisher's Foreword
    2. A Journey To One's True Self:
      Avraham's Odyssey
      As A Lesson For His Descendants
    3. What the Torah Chooses to Highlight
    4. New Vistas
    5. Self-discovery
    6. Passing Through Shadows
    7. To Journey With Others
    8. A Sign in Our Flesh
    9. The Promise of Eretz Yisrael

  • Breishis (Vayeira - 5754)

    1. Publisher's Foreword
    2. Seeing Truth:
      The Nature of the Revelation to Avraham
    3. A Child's Tears
    4. Redefining Landmarks
    5. Man's Striving; G-d's Response
    6. Sickness and Healing
    7. With the Heart of a Child
    8. Measure for Measure

  • Breishis (Chayei Sarah - 5754)

    1. Publisher's Foreword
    2. True Life:
      The Continuing Effects of Sarah's Influence
    3. What Death Cannot Quench
    4. Concentration and Focus
    5. Eretz Yisrael
    6. Our People's Exclusive Heritage
    7. A Wife for Yitzchak
    8. Avraham's Heir
    9. Ongoing Influence

  • Breishis (Toldos - 5754)

    1. Publisher's Foreword
    2. Inwardness: The Path To Posterity
      A Lasting Legacy
    3. A Fountain of Inner Strength
    4. Inwardness Which Leads Outward
    5. To Communicate to Our Children
    6. A Source of Light for All Mankind

  • Breishis (Vayetze - 5754)

    1. Publisher's Foreword
    2. Yaakov's Journey:
      Transition, Challenge, and Achievement
      From Eretz Yisrael to Charan
    3. Extending the Sphere of Holiness
    4. Kindness, Might, and Beauty
    5. Exile is Only Temporary

  • Breishis (Vayishlach - 5754)

    1. Publisher's Foreword
    2. Empowerment And Its Purpose
    3. Three Conceptions of an Agent's Function
    4. The Agency Entrusted to Every One of Us
    5. Changing Ourselves as We Change the World
    6. The Scope of Our Mission
    7. Keeping the Purpose in Focus

  • Breishis (Vayeshev - 5754)

    1. Publisher's Foreword
    2. The Desire For Prosperity
    3. Does G-d Approve of the Desire of the Righteous?
    4. Seeking Internal not External Challenges
    5. The Fulfillment of Yaakov's Desire
    6. Two Levels of Prosperity
    7. A Challenge of a Unique Nature
    8. The Necessity to Ask

  • Breishis (Mikeitz - 5754)

    1. Publisher's Foreword
    2. An End And A Beginning
    3. The Truth of the Torah
    4. Infinity in Shackles
    5. An End to Limits
    6. Making the End a Beginning

  • Breishis (Vayigash - 5754)

    1. Publisher's Foreword
    2. Inspiring Change
    3. Making a Potential Kinetic
    4. Bonding Power
    5. From Inside Out
    6. Uncovering Identity
    7. Egypt is not the End of the Journey

  • Breishis (Vayechi - 5754)

    1. Publisher's Foreword
    2. True Life
    3. Yaakov's Best Years
    4. To Live with the Torah
    5. Light in Darkness
    6. Yaakov Still Lives
    7. Egypt is not Forever
    8. Strength and Encouragement

  • Shmos (Shmos - 5754)

    1. Publisher's Foreword
    2. Challenge, Growth, and Transition
    3. Confronting Challenge
    4. The Paradox of Exile
    5. The Story a Name Tells
    6. Destiny and Direction
    7. From Exile to Redemption

  • Shmos (Voeira - 5754)

    1. Publisher's Foreword
    2. Seeing And Believing
    3. Prisons of the Mind
    4. An End to Exile
    5. A Rich Inheritance
    6. Taking Possession of the Legacy
    7. Miracles in Our Lives

  • Shmos (Bo - 5754)

    1. Publisher's Foreword
    2. Confronting Pharaoh
    3. A Twofold Challenge
    4. Within the Macrocosm
    5. What the Plagues Accomplished
    6. Reaching to the Core
    7. Come With Me
    8. The Dynamic of Redemption

  • Shmos (Beshalach - 5754)

    1. Publisher's Foreword
    2. The Expression of Inner Good
    3. A Name Should Be Telling
    4. Why It Was Pharaoh Who Sent Forth the Jews
    5. Looking Beyond Exile
    6. To Evoke a Higher Will
    7. Gentle Force

  • Shmos (Yisro - 5754)

    1. Publisher's Foreword
    2. Ripples of Inner Movement
    3. Yisro's Identity
    4. Recognizing deities
    5. Acknowledging G-d
    6. The Microcosm
    7. Encouraging the Macrocosm
    8. When the Twains Meet
    9. From Darkness to Light
    10. The Path to Redemption

  • Shmos (Mishpatim - 5754)

    1. Publisher's Foreword
    2. After Sinai
      Making the Torah a Part of Ourselves
    3. When the World Stood Still
    4. Fulfilling G-d's Purpose
    5. Back to Sinai
    6. Knowing, and Not Knowing

  • Shmos (Terumah - 5754)

    1. Publisher's Foreword
    2. A Dwelling Among Mortals
    3. A Contradiction in Terms
    4. In G-d's Inner Chamber
    5. What Man's Input Contributes
    6. Two Phases
    7. Not an Island

  • Shmos (Tetzaveh - 5754)

    1. Publisher's Foreword
    2. A Paradigm Of Leadership
    3. A Leader's Commitment
    4. Three Prototypes of Righteous Conduct
    5. Deeper than a Name
    6. Interrelated Bonds
    7. So that an Eternal Light Will Shine
    8. The Agent of Redemption

  • Shmos (Ki-Sisa - Purim - 5754)

    1. Publisher's Foreword
    2. Towards A Purpose
      Beyond Our Conception
    3. The Path Upward
    4. For Man to Become More than Man
    5. A Journey Charted by G-d
    6. G-d's Awesome Intrigue
    7. Three Phases
    8. And Ultimately, Ascents Without Descent

  • Shmos (Vayakhel - 5754)

    1. Publisher's Foreword
    2. More than Gathering Together
    3. A Whole That is Greater than Its Parts
    4. Oneness as a Dynamic
    5. From Inside Out
    6. The Ultimate Ingathering

  • Shmos (Pekudei - 5754)

    1. Publisher's Foreword
    2. The Power of the Individual
    3. Contrast and Concord
    4. True Accomplishment
    5. What Lies At the Core
    6. Keeping One's Balance Sheet
    7. The Catalyst For Personal Development
    8. No End to Growth

  • Vayikra (Vayikra - 5754)

    1. Publisher's Foreword
    2. The Dearness of Every Jew
    3. Within the Many - One
    4. Closeness with G-d
    5. Loving Outreach
    6. Seek the Silver Lining
    7. The Ultimate Praise

  • Vayikra (Tzav = Shabbos Hagadol - Pesach - 5754)

    1. Publisher's Foreword
    2. Making Connections
      The Message of Mitzvos
    3. To Breach a Chasm
    4. Invitation From Above
    5. Three Approaches
    6. Strength in the Center
    7. Service for His Sake

  • Vayikra (Shmini - 5754)

    1. Publisher's Foreword
    2. Transcendence and Immanence
    3. Learning What It Means To Count
    4. "The Eighth Day"
    5. Earning More Than We Can Earn
    6. Focus on This World, Not on the Next
    7. A Fusion of Opposites
    8. Heralding a New Manner of Perception

  • Vayikra (Tazria-Metzora - 5754)

    1. Publisher's Foreword
    2. Conceiving New Life
    3. The Deepest Intimacy
    4. Planting Seeds
    5. The Wonder of Conception
    6. Life and Death
    7. Mashiach's Name
    8. Consummate Perfection and Superficial Flaws
    9. Mashiach's Burden
    10. Positive Import
    11. The Name of the Torah Reading
    12. Through the Medium of Study
    13. With New Life

  • Vayikra (Achrei - Kedoshim 5754)

    1. Publisher's Foreword
    2. Souls Afire
    3. A Moment of Drama
    4. Insatiable Yearning
    5. Two Lessons, Two Names
    6. A Single-Minded Bond
    7. What Does Being Holy Mean?
    8. Is There Any Gray?
    9. Involvement, Not Ascetism
    10. "You Can Be Like Me"
    11. As the Inner Core Comes Out
    12. Holiness Afterwards

  • Vayikra (Emor 5754)

    1. Publisher's Foreword
    2. Inspiring Light
    3. What Happens When a Wise Man Talks
    4. A Command to Speak
    5. Learning With Light
    6. As Light Kindles Light

  • Vayikra (Behar-Bechukosai 5754)

    1. Publisher's Foreword
    2. Pride That Runs Deeper Than Self
    3. The Inner Message of Our Sages' Debate
    4. Tapping a Deeper Potential
    5. Synthesis, Not Conflict
    6. Principles Personified
    7. The Symbolism of Sinai
    8. Real Growth
    9. Satisfying Thirst
    10. Hewn Into Our Hearts
    11. Without a Dichotomy
    12. Above the Limits of Intellect
    13. Fusing Conflicting Tendencies
    14. To Know G-d's Goodness

  • Bamidbar (Bamidbar-Shovuos 5754)

    1. Publisher's Foreword
    2. The Fruit of a Barren Land
    3. What the Background Says
    4. Where No Ownership Exists
    5. A Declaration of Dependence
    6. For the Desert to Bloom
    7. The Ultimate Flowering

  • Bamidbar (Naso 5754)

    1. Publisher's Foreword
    2. A Fulcrum to Lift the World
    3. Why Rav Yosef Would Celebrate
    4. A Lasting Change
    5. Not Merely History
    6. Extending the Connection

  • Bamidbar (Behalosecha 5754)

    1. Publisher's Foreword
    2. A Path of Light
    3. The Goal of Education
    4. Encouraging Individuality
    5. Shining Lamps
    6. Independent Efforts
    7. Journeying Forward

  • Bamidbar (Shelach 5754)

    1. Publisher's Foreword
    2. Choosing Our Mission
    3. A Pillar of Our Faith
    4. Two Types of Choice
    5. Taking Initiative
    6. A New Phase
    7. Building G-d's Dwelling
    8. Facing Failure
    9. Our People's Mission

  • Bamidbar (Korach 5754)

    1. Publisher's Foreword
    2. Korach's Positive Import
    3. What Korach Really Wanted
    4. Intent vs. Action
    5. A More Comprehensive Oneness
    6. Making Our Own Decisions
    7. A Matter of Time

  • Bamidbar (Chukas 5754)

    1. Publisher's Foreword
    2. Beyond the Reach of Knowledge
    3. What Mortal Knowledge Cannot Grasp
    4. To Tap the Essence of the Torah
    5. A Selfless Self

  • Bamidbar (Balak 5754)

    1. Publisher's Foreword
    2. Remembering What Should Be Forgotten
    3. A Sage and His Conduct
    4. The Power of the Torah
    5. A Spiritual Transition
    6. Nullifying and Transforming
    7. The Fruits of Unbounded Commitment

  • Bamidbar (Pinchas 5754)

    1. Publisher's Foreword
    2. Touching the Core
    3. Can Priesthood be a Reward?
    4. Unbounded Service Evokes an Unbounded Response
    5. Temporing Zealousness with Love
    6. Taking Initiative

  • Bamidbar (Matos-Massei 5754)

    1. Publisher's Foreword
    2. True Strength
    3. An Approach-Avoidance Conflict
    4. Supple Flexibility vs. Unfailing Firmness
    5. Expressing Power
    6. A Twofold Message
    7. Strength in Exile, the Ultimate Strength in Redemption
    8. Forward Movement
    9. Signs of Life
    10. Our Personal Journeys
    11. An Encampment or a Journey?
    12. Setting Forth Toward Change
    13. The Ultimate Journey
    14. The Individual and the Whole

  • Devarim (Devarim 5754)

    1. Publisher's Foreword
    2. A Mortal Mouth Speaking G-d's Word
    3. The Uniqueness of the Book of Deuteronomy
    4. Two Contrasting Patterns
    5. Internalized Knowledge
    6. Elevating the Torah
    7. On the Banks of the Jordan

  • Devarim (Va'etchanan 5754)

    1. Publisher's Foreword
    2. To Plead with G-d
    3. What is Prayer?
    4. Two Interpretations of Moshe's Plea
    5. Everything is Kindness
    6. Not Only a Humble Tone, a Humble Heart
    7. When Can a Heavenly Decree be Changed
    8. Reaching Above Our Grasp
    9. Doing More Than We Can

  • Devarim (Ekev 5754)

    1. Publisher's Foreword
    2. When the Heel Becomes a Head
    3. Nothing Comes Unearned
    4. Responding to the Experience of G-dliness
    5. A Point in Soul Above "I"
    6. A Channel for the Soul's Power
    7. Just Recompense
    8. Realization of the Mission

  • Devarim (Re'ei 5754)

    1. Publisher's Foreword
    2. The Power of Sight
    3. Penetrating Perception
    4. To Serve G-d by Choice
    5. Sight as Assistance, a Command, and a Promise
    6. Seeing the Truth

  • Devarim (Shoftim 5754)

    1. Publisher's Foreword
    2. Judgment and Its Application
    3. A Measuring Rod
    4. At the City's Gates
    5. The Need for Enforcement
    6. Internalizing Morality
    7. The Spirit of Prophecy
    8. A Fundamental Element of Faith
    9. The Message of Our Judges and Prophets

  • Devarim (Seitzei 5754)

    1. Publisher's Foreword
    2. War and Peace
    3. Will a Dove Grow Claws?
    4. Waging War
    5. Discovering Our Resources
    6. Inner Conflicts
    7. The Ultimate Battles

  • Devarim (Savo 5754)

    1. Publisher's Foreword
    2. Entering Deeper and Deeper
    3. Giving the Intangible
    4. Appreciating G-d's Kindness
    5. More than Just a Physical Land
    6. A Complete Entry
    7. The Whole and Its Parts
    8. Two Levels of Thanksgiving
    9. Looking Forward to Entering Eretz Yisrael

  • Devarim (Nitzavim 5754)

    1. Publisher's Foreword
    2. Standing Before G-d
    3. Who Blesses the New Month?
    4. With Unchanging Strength
    5. To Maintain the Connection
    6. Oneness which is not Insular

  • Devarim (Vayeilech 5754)

    1. Publisher's Foreword
    2. Looking Forward
    3. To Luxuriate in Torah Study
    4. A Single Entity, At Times Divided
    5. Fusing Opposites
    6. Progressing In Teshuvah
    7. Never-Ending Progress

  • Devarim (Ha'azinu 5755)

    1. Publisher's Foreword
    2. Close To The Heavens
    3. Two Prophets, Two Modes of Expression
    4. A Reflection of Spiritual Reality
    5. Fusing the Material and the Spiritual
    6. Two Phases in Time
    7. Two Phases in Development

  • Devarim (Bracha 5755)

    1. Publisher's Foreword
    2. A Fountain of Blessing
    3. A Message for the Holiday
    4. One and One
    5. Why Moshe Broke the Tablets
    6. Who Comes First?
    7. Open and Apparent Blessings

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