[676] have been granted a great blessing and a great privilege: G-d has enabled them to fulfill the mission of being fruitful and multiplying - not only spiritually,
[677] but also, and chiefly, physically.
As to the argument about the expenses this entails, the Torah teaches that Adam was created on the eve of Shabbos in order that he should immediately enter and find his meal ready and eat whatever he desired.[678]
Moreover, "Man was created as an individual in order to teach you that [...] whoever saves one Jewish life is regarded by Scripture as having saved an entire world."[679] Thus every Jew, in all places and at all times, is "an entire world," like his prototype, Adam, and may immediately enter and find his meal ready.
This, then, is the eternal directive of the Torah of Truth and the Torah of Life - that when a man conducts his life as he ought, G-d provides him with all his needs without any bother, just as He did for Adam.
True, G-d desires that a man make a natural vessel that will serve as a conduit to draw down blessings and a livelihood, as it is written,[680] "And the L-rd your G-d will bless you in all that you do." At the same time, the Torah of Truth assures us that when a child is born, his sustenance is born together with him. Indeed, the birth of an additional child increases the sustenance of the entire household.
Parents should therefore utilize the blessing that G-d has granted them, by fulfilling the mitzvah to "be fruitful and multiply"[681] quite literally. This they should do with perfect trust in G-d, "Who, in His goodness, provides sustenance for the entire world with grace, with kindness, and with mercy," from His "full, open, holy and generous Hand." Let them trust that He will surely bestow sustenance upon the newborn child, and that moreover, his birth will elicit added blessings for the sustenance of the entire family.

- (Back to text) From a sichah delivered on Yud-Alef Nissan (the Rebbe's birthday), 5744 (1984), and published in Toras Menachem - Hisvaaduyos, 5744 (1984), Vol. 3, p. 1429.
See also Items 21 and 70 above and Item 98 below.
- (Back to text) I.e., generating offspring by teaching people who had not been exposed to Torah and mitzvos.
- (Back to text) Sanhedrin 38a and Rashi there.
- (Back to text) Op. cit., 4:5.
- (Back to text) Devarim 15:18.
- (Back to text) Bereishis 1:28.