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Translator's Introduction

Part A: Letters

Part B: Talks

Why was Yosef punished for placing his trust in the royal butler,
for preparing a natural means through which he could be released from the dungeon?

Regardless of everything, Yaakov Avinu went on his way
with a light heart and in high spirits, because he had trust in the One Above.

Even if until that moment such a person was tainted by idolatry,
or perhaps a tinge of it, when Pesach eve arrives he can have complete trust that "now
the Omnipresent has brought us near to His service."

So long as the Yeshivah is their home, students should immerse themselves in their Torah studies
and not be concerned with questions as to how they will eventually earn a living.

The Rebbe Maharash answers his own question:
"People are not lacking a livelihood; they are lacking trust.
Every individual is indeed provided with a livelihood. It's only that by lacking trust,
a person sometimes turns off the tap...."

"Even a little guy like me gave tzedakah to a bedraggled stranger!"

The first time Adam saw nightfall,
he discovered that a man is able to diffuse light even when the world around him is dark.

Before the Sea Splits: Four Responses to the Crises of This World

Faith and Trust

A Jewish farmer "believes in Him Who is the Life
of all the worlds - and sows."

From the Mouths of Babes: Three Modes of Trust

When one has trust in the One on High,
he also has trust in his fellow Jews.

Once the beleaguered King Chizkiyahu heard the words of Yeshayahu,
he placed his trust so completely in the Hands of G-d that he lay down in bed...
for a sweet and tranquil slumber.

Even Bread from the Earth comes from Heaven.

G-d will provide him with all his needs even if he has not yet
tackled his task for the month of Elul - repentance.
Indeed, it applies because he is in that state.

G-d's army - and in our context, the Israel Defense Forces,
whose privilege it is to defend Jewish towns with actual self-sacrifice...

Yosef turned to the Chief Butler
as if his whole salvation depended on him - and this constituted his sin.

This arousal included a heightened trust that Divine Providence
supervises the particulars of every individual's life,
and this in turn empowered the chassid to decide what to do and how to act.

"In G-d we trust" means that one regards G-d as his trustee:
one hands everything over into His Hands and relies on Him in all one's affairs.

When a child is born, his sustenance is born together with him.
Indeed, the birth of an additional child increases the sustenance of the entire household.

The commandment to "be fruitful and multiply" should be fulfilled in a spirit in which G-d's blessings
of sons and daughters are received "with joy and a gladsome heart."

Trusting in G-d does Not Contradict the Belief that Everything is for the Good.

Exactly What is Meant by the Obligation to Trust in G-d?

"A Weighty Task Indeed"
A Thought from the Rebbe Rashab

"When there is still a straw to hang on to"
A Thought from the Rebbe Rayatz

In Good Hands
100 Letters and Talks of the Lubavitcher Rebbe
Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson
on Bitachon: Trusting in G-d

Part B: Talks
"In G-d we trust" means that one regards G-d as his trustee:
one hands everything over into His Hands and relies on Him in all one's affairs.

Compiled and Translated by Uri Kaploun

Published and copyright © by Sichos In English
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This arousal included a heightened trust that Divine Providence
supervises the particulars of every individual's life,
and this in turn empowered the chassid to decide what to do and how to act.
When a child is born, his sustenance is born together with him.
Indeed, the birth of an additional child increases the sustenance of the entire household.

Everything[663] that occurs is engineered in detail by Divine Providence,[664] especially something that occurs in the country in which a Jew finds himself. This certainly applies to the present case, the United States, in which the Rebbe whose hillula we have just marked[665] spent the last ten years of his life in This World - and ten years is a significant period.[666]

The connection between a Jew and the country in which he lives is highlighted by the ruling of the Torah, which is called a Torah of Truth and a Torah of Life, that "the law of the land is binding"[667] (in matters that do not conflict with the Torah and its commandments).

The currency of this country is distinctive: its coins are engraved with the words, "In G-d we trust."

Now, money is something that "stands [a man] on his feet,"[668] and it also plays an important role in the life of a Jew. For a start, it enables him to give tzedakah; the more he has, the more can he give - and tzedakah is equated to all the commandments.[669] Money is also needed for the fulfillment of other mitzvos, for there is a principle that one should see to it that all the mitzvos should not be acquired "free,"[670] but as the result of one's own exertion.[671] This ideal is also highlighted in a teaching of the Sages: "If someone tells you [...], 'I have exerted myself and I have found [success in my Torah study],' believe him."[672]

Money, then, is central to life in general and to Jewish life. And engraved on the coins of this country is a message of faith in G-d - and not merely faith, but a trusting faith.[673] "In G-d we trust" means that one regards G-d as his trustee: one hands everything over into His Hands and relies on Him in all one's affairs.

[Everyone who is about to return to his home country[674]] will now be given a dollar bill to be contributed as tzedakah, thus making his journey a shlichus mitzvah, a mission for the sake of fulfilling a commandment.[675] Every dollar bill bears the words, "In G-d we trust." This phrase means that one is bound with a faith so complete that one relies utterly on G-d, entrusting to Him whatever one has - one's soul and body, one's money and property, and one's daily conduct.



  1. (Back to text) Excerpts from a sichah delivered on 13 Shvat, 5744 (1984) and published in Likkutei Sichos, Vol. 26, p. 341ff.

  2. (Back to text) The Baal Shem Tov teaches that hashgachah peratis applies to every particular detail in the whole of creation. (See Keser Shem Tov, Hosafos, sec. 119ff., and sources listed there.)

  3. (Back to text) This talk was delivered three days after Yud Shvat, the anniversary of the passing of the Rebbe Rayatz in 5710 (1950).

  4. (Back to text) Cf. Avos 5:22.

  5. (Back to text) In the original Aram., dina demalchusa dina (Gittin 10b).

  6. (Back to text) Sanhedrin 110a.

  7. (Back to text) Bava Basra 9b. See also Tanya, the latter part of ch. 37.

  8. (Back to text) In the original, chinam - as in the verse in which the Children of Israel in the wilderness hankered ungratefully after the food "that we ate in Egypt, free" (Bamidbar 11:5). And on this phrase Rashi cites the interpretation of Sifri: "I.e., free of mitzvos."

  9. (Back to text) In the original, hishtadlus; cf. Zohar II, 128a, expounded by the AriZal in his Taamei HaMitzvos on Parshas Re'eh, s.v. Mitzvas HaTzedakah.

  10. (Back to text) Megillah 6b.

  11. (Back to text) On the distinctions between emunah (faith) and bitachon (trust), see Item 86 above.

  12. (Back to text) These parting words were addressed toward the close of the farbrengen to the numerous chassidim who had arrived in New York in honor of Yud Shvat and were about to leave.

  13. (Back to text) "Emissaries for the fulfillment of a mitzvah do not come to harm" (Pesachim 8b).

This arousal included a heightened trust that Divine Providence
supervises the particulars of every individual's life,
and this in turn empowered the chassid to decide what to do and how to act.
When a child is born, his sustenance is born together with him.
Indeed, the birth of an additional child increases the sustenance of the entire household.
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