[undated tzetl]
[In response to a woman who (i) requested "a blessing for protection" and (ii) sought "an increased trust in G-d," the Rebbe wrote:]
You have been promised that (i) "G-d is your guardian; [G-d is your protective shade at your right hand]"[426] - especially since you no doubt have a valid[427] mezuzah in your room. [You have also been promised that] (ii) "if someone comes to be purified,"[428] the Holy One, blessed be He, helps him. And the more you increase your trust in the L-rd G-d of Israel, the more will there be an increase in His blessings in all the above and in His help.

- (Back to text) Tehillim 121:5.
- (Back to text) In the original, kosher.
- (Back to text) Yoma 38b.