Your pidyon nefesh was received.
When you will be punctilious in observing Chitas,[423] you will have less time to think the opposite of the directive given by my revered father-in-law, the Rebbe [Rayatz] - to think only good.[424]
I will mention your name in prayer at [his] holy resting place.[425]

- (Back to text) One of thousands of brief handwritten responses that were issued over the years, usually on the margins of the addressee's query or request, and relayed to him or her via the Rebbe's secretariat. These succinct responses were popularly known (in Yiddish) as tzetlach - lit., "notes."
- (Back to text) Heb. acronym (in Ashkenazic pronunciation) for Chumash, Tehillim, Tanya - the three daily study sessions instituted by the Rebbe Rayatz. By regularly following these cycles, one completes the study of the current Torah reading with the commentary of Rashi every week, the recital of the entire Book of Tehillim every month, and the study of the entire Tanya every year.
- (Back to text) An allusion to the teaching quoted in Letter 45 above.
- (Back to text) In the familiar original (Heb.), Azkir al hatziyun. See the final paragraph of Letter 46 above.