[8 Shvat, 5791/Jan. 23, 1991]
There[415] is a law stated in the Shulchan Aruch:[416] "Do not separate yourself from the community." This applies especially in a situation in which rabbis have also made public statements on this subject.
Note the directive of Yaakov Avinu: "Why make yourselves conspicuous?"[417]
All the above relates to action.
As to how one should feel, I have made my position clear on several occasions.[418]
Moreover, this is an auspicious time - the week of Shabbos Shirah, the week preceding the day on which we read the Song of the Sea.[419]
How much more so when concerning every situation, the luminous Torah[420] states that "he who trusts in G-d - kindness will surround him."[421]

- (Back to text) From a letter written in response to a question addressed to the Rebbe from Eretz Yisrael in connection with the Iraqi missile attacks during the Gulf War. The Rebbe's correspondent had asked: "Is there a need to comply with the directives of Haga [i.e., the civil defense authorities], sealing off rooms and wearing gasmasks and so on, during siren blasts? - Because according to the Torah, 'the Holy Land is the safest place in the world.' [These were the words of the Rebbe's assurance at the time.] On the other hand, some people claim that they feel afraid (because, nevertheless, 'missiles have fallen')."
This question and the Rebbe's reply above appear in the Appendices to Likkutei Sichos, Vol. 36, pp. 234-235.
See: I Will Show You Wonders, a reprint of public statements of the Rebbe before and during the Gulf Crisis of 5751/1990-91 (Sichos In English, N.Y., 5763/2003).
- (Back to text) Orach Chayim, end of sec. 574 (citing Avos 2:4, and see also Taanis 11a).
- (Back to text) Bereishis 42:1, translated above as paraphrased by Rashi. Urging his sons to go down to Egypt and buy food during the famine in Canaan, Yaakov said: "Why should you attract puzzled attention by not seeking food before your supplies are exhausted?"
- (Back to text) See I Will Show You Wonders, referred to in footnote 393 above.
- (Back to text) Shmos 15:1-18 (Az yashir...), which tells of the supernatural salvation of the Jews from the Egyptians at the Red Sea.
- (Back to text) In the original, Torah Or (Mishlei 6:23).
- (Back to text) Tehillim 32:10. See also Likkutei Sichos, Vol. 36, p. 2.