By the Grace of G-d
12 Adar I, 5714 [1954]
Greetings and Blessings!
This[218] letter comes as a response to your letter of 6 Adar I. There you write that though you have arrived at a marriageable age you have not yet found a matching proposal, and this causes you distress.
There is a well-known teaching of the Sages that "making matches for them is as difficult [for G-d, as it were,] as splitting the Red Sea."[219] It is also well known that the Splitting of the Red Sea was actualized by a strong trust and faith in G-d.[220] From this we learn the approach to be followed in finding one's match: the stronger your trust (and it goes without saying that together with this you also have to search in an appropriate manner), the sooner will this actualize.
A familiar teaching in the holy Zohar[221] states that "the Holy One, blessed be He, looked into the Torah [as a blueprint] and created the world." This teaching applies not only to the world, literally, but also to every detail in the life of every man, who is known as a microcosm, "a miniature world."[222] Accordingly, you should increase your endeavors in the study of both the revealed dimension of the Torah and the teachings of Chassidus - and may G-d grant you success.
With blessings,
On behalf of the Rebbe,
[Signed by a secretary]

- (Back to text) Igros Kodesh, Vol. 8, p. 219, Letter 2465.
- (Back to text) Sanhedrin 22a.
- (Back to text) An allusion to Nachshon ben Aminadav, whose trust in G-d was so perfect that he leaped into the Red Sea, and only then did its waters part (Sotah 37a).
- (Back to text) I, 161b.
- (Back to text) Midrash HaNe'elam, Parshas Vayeitzei 28:16.