By the Grace of G-d
24 Kislev, 5714 [1953]
Greetings and Blessings!
[...] You[210] write that you are taking stock of the period since your arrival in town. Generally speaking, the month of stocktaking is the month of Elul. In the course of the year, one only does accounting that will certainly not weaken one's avodah, and - obviously - that will leave no room for the faintest trace of despair.[211] To quote the classic witticism, Yiush - shelo midaas![212] [I.e., "When can there be despair? Only when there is no understanding..."]

- (Back to text) Igros Kodesh, Vol. 8, p. 72, Letter 2317.
- (Back to text) I.e., the antithesis of optimistic trust. Cf. "the loss outweighs the gain," in the last paragraph of Letter 45 below, which was addressed to the wife of the present recipient.
- (Back to text) This is a play on the Talmudic term yiush shelo midaas (lit., "despair without knowledge"; Bava Metzia 21b), which signifies a person's presumed despair of ever retrieving an object once he becomes aware that he has lost it.