By the Grace of G-d
27 Menachem Av, 5712 [1952]
Greetings and Blessings!
This[195] comes in response to your letter, from which it appears that I have not yet managed to raise your spirits.
I think I have already told you a few times something that is explained in the sacred classics, and not necessarily in chassidic works: One should not initiate - and introduce into the world - depressing lines of thought. Vigilance in this area provides a spiritual assurance[196] that the matter in question will not become actualized.
[This teaching] not only warns against initiating such thoughts in the realm of speech. (It is cited in the literature of Chassidus - and I think it is appended to Siddur Meah She'arim - concerning the Maggid of Mezritch, that whenever an [original] line of reasoning fell into his mind, he would articulate it in speech, in order to draw it down into this world.) A depressing concept should not be initiated [not only in the realm of speech, but] even in the realm of thought, for the reason stated above. This also follows naturally from the teaching of our Rebbeim of earlier generations that was handed down to us by my revered father-in-law, the Rebbe [Rayatz]: "Think positively, and things will be positive."[197]
It no doubt appears to you that it is very difficult to discipline the power of thought in the above direction. Hence, in the absence of another option, you should invest your power of thought in a Torah concept. And this spiritual good will also generate a material good.
From all the above it follows that the more you strengthen your trust in G-d, until it also impacts your thoughts and words and actions, the more will that trust materialize palpably, bringing enhanced prosperity materially, and also spiritually. [...]

- (Back to text) This letter was not at hand in time for publication in Igros Kodesh.
- (Back to text) In the original, "This is a segulah."
- (Back to text) In the original Yiddish, Tracht gut, vet zain gut.