By the Grace of G-d
25 Sivan, 5712 [1952]
Greetings and Blessings!
I[173] received your letter dated Wednesday, the 34th day of the Omer, in which you describe the state of your business affairs, your considerable debts, etc. etc. You write further that you have a possibility of selling some of your properties, but that you find yourself unable to decide alone what you should do. Above all, it appears from your letter that you are dispirited, so that as a matter of course your trust in G-d has weakened.
The phrase I just used was "above all." As is stated in our holy sources in general and in the literature of Chassidus in particular, everything depends on bitachon, the attribute of trust. A man's trust is the measuring stick of the extent to which his material affairs are bound and fused with the Creator. If this fusion is complete, it is certainly impossible for anything to be lacking, because in the worlds Above, the concept of lacking is utterly non-existent.
In accordance with your request, I mentioned your name in connection with the fulfillment of your needs when I visited the holy resting place of my revered father-in-law, the Rebbe [Rayatz]. That said, since you asked for my advice, I hold that you should focus on toiling on yourself - to fortify your trust in G-d to the greatest extent possible.
In truth, having the attribute of trust means that even if according to the laws of nature one sees no way out, in one's mind it is beyond all doubt that everything will be good, in a way that is actually visible and manifest[174] to fleshly eyes, with regard to having an ample livelihood, sound health, and so on. From the perspective of the world Above, considerations of nature are quite immaterial. Accordingly, once a person raises himself up and adopts a stance that is even slightly above the ground - that is, he brings himself to the realization that since he is a believing Jew, [he is] utterly certain that there is no master over him but G-d alone - he can draw down [and actualize this certainty] here, too, so that in this physical world, too, considerations of nature will not affect him adversely (G-d forbid).
I firmly hope to G-d that if you will only fortify your trust to the utmost, you will immediately see a change in the Providence which governs your material business affairs and that your situation will begin to improve, and to proceed from good to even better.
In addition, it would be appropriate to immediately begin giving tzedakah as you used to do, and to increase your accustomed donations at least slightly. I look forward to hearing good news from you on all the above.
With blessings for material success, and may the teaching of the Alter Rebbe[175] be fulfilled in your life - that the Holy One, blessed be He, grants Jews materiality, and they transform materiality into spirituality.[176]

- (Back to text) Igros Kodesh, Vol. 6, p. 147, Letter 1663.
- (Back to text) "Good... that is... visible and manifest:" This phrase, recurring throughout these letters, reads in the original as batov hanireh vehanigleh; i.e., the kind of good that is readily recognizable as such, without resort to theological explanations.
- (Back to text) I.e., R. Shneur Zalman of Liadi (1745-1812), founder of Chabad Chassidus and author of the Tanya and Shulchan Aruch HaRav.
- (Back to text) In the original, "gashmiyus into ruchniyus."