By the Grace of G-d
7 Shvat, 5712 [1952]
Greetings and Blessings!
I[146] was told by one of your acquaintances that your health is not in such a good state. Accordingly, I would like to point out to you, even though this is doubtless not new to you, that every single one of us is under the specific surveillance of the Creator's Providence. It follows that if you imagine that someone is able to harm you, this is a fantasy, for it is impossible.
You should therefore be strong in your trust that just as G-d directs the entire world, He likewise directs yourself and your body, for a man is called "a small world" (Tanchuma, beg. of Parshas Pekudei; Tikkunei Zohar, Tikkun 69, p. 117b). If you occasionally feel that this certain trust is wavering, it is not advisable to become engrossed in the matter. Instead, you should avert your attention from this weakness, for it is no doubt only imagined, and then very soon you, too, will see that just as all Jews are "believers, [being] the descendants of believers,"[147] you, too, are firm in your trust.
You will no doubt obey the doctor's orders, for the Torah has given the doctor permission - which also means the power - to heal.
And may G-d grant that you will soon give me good tidings about your constantly improving health.
It would be appropriate that every day you recite a number of psalms from the Book of Tehillim. As is well known,[148] King David requested of G-d that the recitation of Tehillim be regarded as equivalent to the study of [challenging Talmudic tractates such as] Nega'im and Ohalos. Accordingly, the recitation of Tehillim comprises both an element of prayer (see Berachos 4b) and an element of Torah study.
With blessings for a speedy recovery and sound health, and in anticipation of good news,

- (Back to text) Igros Kodesh, Vol. 5, p. 208, Letter 1409.
- (Back to text) See footnote 121 above.
- (Back to text) Midrash Tehillim (ed. Shlomo Buber) on Tehillim 1:1, sec. [8], s.v. Ashrei ha'ish.