By the Grace of G-d
22 Iyar, 5711 [1951]
Greetings and Blessings!
In[86] response to the pidyon nefesh that you sent me: When I visited the holy resting-place of my revered father-in-law [the Rebbe Rayatz] I mentioned your name in connection with your needs. He no doubt intercedes and arouses Divine compassion upon yourself and your wife - that you enjoy robust health, with peace of mind and body - particularly since, as you write, you have a letter from him with his holy blessing that you settle into a good life.
You write that you suffer from an ailment, though without saying what it is, and that at any moment you are likely to undergo a serious heart attack, etc., G-d forbid. (It appears to me that this is not the case, and that - begging your pardon - this is an extreme exaggeration.) You write further that a partition of iron is separating [you from your Father in Heaven] and that your prayers and charitable contributions have had no effect, and so on.
Without a doubt, you yourself also understand that all this is no more than fantasies. For even if there were a partition of iron, the Sages assure us in plain words that "even a partition of iron cannot separate the Children of Israel from their Father in Heaven."[87]
The same applies to what you write about how your prayers and especially the tzedakah[88] you distribute have had no effect. I saw in a little book - it's called the Tanach - where it is written (Malachi 3:10) that the Holy One, blessed be He, says: "Test Me, please, in this," in the mitzvah of tzedakah - that if only people will give tzedakah, "I will pour down blessings upon you," and so on. The same applies to prayer, as is explained in many sources in the teachings of the Sages.
Above all, as is clarified in the works of Chassidus, this is one of the counsels by means of which the Evil Inclination topples a man into melancholy. And if melancholy stemming from spiritual reasons gives good cause for vigilance, how much more wary must one be of melancholy that comes from some other source, for there is nothing worse than that.
You should insistently fortify your trust in what even the most lightminded of Jews believe - that the Holy One, blessed be He, is not only the Creator of the world but that He also conducts it, and not only long ago, but also presently, every day and at every hour. Moreover, He conducts not only the big world but also all the affairs of the microcosm, man, and He is the ultimate good. Without a doubt, you will then finally see, even with fleshly eyes, that everything will be for the best, even in the kind of good that is manifest. For this, however, one must strengthen one's bonds of hiskashrus with the G-d of Life - by setting aside fixed times to study the Torah of Life;[89] by serving Him through the avodah[90] of prayer, through which you are benevolent toward your Soul of Life; and by fortifying your observance of the mitzvos, and of the comprehensive mitzvah of tzedakah, for "the truth of tzedakah is for life."[91]
I hope that in the near future you will let me know of an improvement in your material situation and likewise of an improvement of your spiritual situation - namely, the disappearance of thoughts about a separating partition etc. etc. - and that you will make strenuous endeavors to fulfill the command of the Holy One, blessed be He: "Serve G-d with joy."
Enclosed is a copy of the sichah of Lag BaOmer that was recently published. You should ponder over it deeply.
In anticipation of glad tidings,

- (Back to text) Igros Kodesh, Vol. 4, p. 292, Letter 1019.
- (Back to text) Pesachim 85b.
- (Back to text) I.e., charity.
- (Back to text) In the original, Toras chayim (from the last blessing of Shemoneh Esreh).
- (Back to text) Divine service, particularly through prayer and (in chassidic usage) the labor of self-refinement.
- (Back to text) Mishlei 19:21.