By the Grace of G-d
16 Elul, 5710 [1950]
Greetings and Blessings!
Your[73] undated letter states that the doctor has told your wife that she should be hospitalized for a few days of tests, and you add that your wife is afraid of the hospital for various (unfounded) reasons.
This is what you should explain to her, in words that are appropriate to her present state of mind:
G-d created the world and it is He Who conducts it, both in the lower hemisphere, where we are situated, and in the upper hemisphere,[74] where [...] and you are situated. "He spoke, and it came into being; He commanded, and it endured."[75] Hence, nothing takes place in the world without Him, and everything that He desires takes place. However, G-d wants us to make a medium in nature; He wants things to happen in a natural way.
When a Jew or Jewess doesn't feel well and a doctor has to be called, this does not mean that the doctor is going to do whatever he feels like doing. What is really happening is that G-d has chosen this doctor to be His emissary and to carry out His mission.
When a person has bitachon, trusting without any doubt that G-d conducts the world, he is then granted the privilege of seeing this with his fleshly eyes, too, at every single step; he sees how G-d takes each of us by the hand and leads us in the way that is best for us, both materially and spiritually.
Therefore, when your wife goes to hospital on the doctor's orders, she is still under G-d's surveillance. And He will watch over her and see to it that things should work out in the way that is best for both her physical and mental health.
Your wife needs only to be strong in her faith and trust that she will assuredly see the fulfillment of the blessing that my revered father-in-law, the Rebbe [Rayatz], gave her, gives her, and will continue to give her - that she will be healed, and may you and she soon be able to convey the glad tidings that she feels well.
Your wife presumably places some coins for tzedakah in the charity box of Rabbeinu Meir Baal HaNess before candle-lighting on the eve of Shabbos and Yom-Tov, and you no doubt read the chapter of Tehillim (which is currently Psalm 71) that relates to the age of the Rebbe [Rayatz], at least until Yud Shvat, 5711 [1951]. All the above should of course be undertaken without the stringency of a formal vow.[76]
May you be inscribed - and may that inscription be sealed - for a good year.
Looking forward to good news,

- (Back to text) Igros Kodesh, Vol. 3, p. 441, Letter 734.
- (Back to text) This division of the globe obviously differs from the more familiar division by Western cartographers into northern and southern hemispheres.
- (Back to text) Tehillim 33:9.
- (Back to text) In the original, bli neder.