By the Grace of G-d
3 Menachem Av, 5710 [1950]
Greetings and Blessings!
[...] As[59] to your prayerful wish that you [and your colleagues] should be vessels appropriate for the fulfillment of what is desired [of you by the Rebbe]: One should not be too dejected or doubtful, for this, too, is exploited by the [Evil] Inclination.
As was recently discussed here at a farbrengen,[60] it should not be forgotten that the entire subject of creation [...] springs from the fact that "it is in the nature of One Who is benevolent to act benevolently."[61] And it goes without saying that [this] reason influences the created universe and is discernible in it. [...]
After all the above, one should approach his tasks with joy and with complete trust that G-d will show compassion and will offer help, and we [will be] greatly sanctified from Above[62] - provided only that we keep a firm grasp of the bond of hiskashrus[63] with the tzaddik who is now more accessible in this World of Action, too.[64]
With blessings to all the members of the brotherhood,

- (Back to text) Igros Kodesh, Vol. 3, p. 353, Letter 655, addressed to R. Yehoshua Shneur Zalman Serebryanski, a distinguished shaliach of the Rebbe Rayatz who had arrived in Australia on the invitation of Reb Moshe Feiglin in 1949.
- (Back to text) In the present context, an assemblage of chassidim addressed by the Rebbe.
- (Back to text) In the original, teva hatov leheitiv (Emek HaMelech, beginning of Shaar Alef).
- (Back to text) Cf. Yoma 39b.
- (Back to text) Usually refers to the bond between chassid and Rebbe.
- (Back to text) A reference to the Rebbe Rayatz, the date of whose physical passing was Yud Shvat, only six months earlier.
The Rebbe's concluding proviso paraphrases a teaching of the Zohar (III, 71b), as explained by the Alter Rebbe in Tanya - Iggeres HaKodesh, Epistle 27.